B4A Library fsPreferences ( PreferenceMenu + PreferenceManager) - Filippo    Nov 25, 2022   (13 reactions) Hi,
I hereby make my updated library available to all.
In the example all necessary functions are included.
The file "fsPreferences.xml" and "fsPreferences.jar" must be saved under "C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4a\Extern-Library" or similar.
You can make each entry dependent on another ent B4A Question PreferenceManager Library - Erel (first post)    Jun 11, 2020   (1 reaction) 1. Yes, it is called PreferenceActivity.
2. See the tutorial: https://www.b4x.-tutorial.10608/
3. Yes.
Tip: Check B4XPreferenceDialog. B4i Library fsPreferences ( PreferenceMenu + PreferenceManager) - Filippo    Nov 25, 2022   (7 reactions) Hi,
I hereby make my updated library available to all.
In the example all necessary functions are included.
I send the library files for the host builder to Erel, so that the host builder can compile the programs.
The file "fsPreferences.xml" must be saved under "C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software Bug? PreferenceManager (version 1.01) is not working properly on Android 11 - daniel69    Jan 07, 2022 With Android 11 on many devices the preference manager is not displaying any setting (apparently without generating any user visible error)... any suggestion or ideas? B4A Question Preference Dialogs Field value change event - Filippo (first post)    Nov 27, 2022   (1 reaction) You can try my library, I think this is exactly what you are looking for.
https://www.b4x.-preferencemenu-preferencemanager.144397/ Wish B4XPreferencesDialog - Add B4XSeekbar - Filippo (first post)    Feb 22, 2023   (1 reaction) Why don't you use my library? Everything is already included there. https://www.b4x.-preferencemenu-preferencemanager.144397/ B4A Question PreferenceManager data file - Erel (first post)    Jun 17, 2020   (1 reaction) 0. I wouldn't use this library at all. Better to use B4XPreferencesDialog.
1. Path: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6146106/where-are-shared-preferences-stored
2. Not encrypted and can be read easily. B4A Question PreferenceScreen - Filippo (first post)    Apr 18, 2024   (1 reaction) You can also use this library. https://www.b4x.-preferencemenu-preferencemanager.144397/ B4i Question What is the recommended method to store app settings/data between sessions? - Filippo (first post)    Nov 25, 2022 Hi @JohnC ,
you can use my library again.
https://www.b4x.-preferencemenu-preferencemanager.144398/ B4A Tutorial PreferenceActivity tutorial - Erel    May 10, 2020   (12 reactions) This tutorial explains how to use the new PreferenceActivity library. This library allows you to create the "standard" settings screen.
The settings screen is hosted in its own activity. As this is an external activity its declaration should be manually added to the manifest file.
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