Other What need to change to my APK file take the APP Name ? - Martin Larsen (first post)    Feb 19, 2020 Note that is also applies to accented letters. My apk is called result.apk because I use the Danish letter æ in the b4a file.
But as stated, it doesn't really matter except when sharing the apk file with others for testing. Then it makes sense to use a telling name, especially if you share more than B4A Question b4a v12.8 feedback - aeric (first post)    Jul 17, 2024   (1 reaction) About the filename, if I create apk, it may also produce result.apk, which I think is due to the project name having white space or special characters like period. B4A Question app runs smooth in debug but crashes in runtime - Zeev Goldstein (first post)    Jan 24, 2023 Pal, that worked like charm - thank you!
now last question if i may
for some reason the apk name is result.apk
when install it it is all ok and the app name is correct - it is only the apk filename
i forgot where i set this - so where do i set the apk name to be what i want or it is not relevant?
B4A Question Compiling for release - result.apk - Cantaflex    Apr 29, 2020 When compiling my first B4A package named uk.co.vertexplus.checkmate2.model120 in release mode the file produced and saved in the 'object' folder is named 'result.apk' although I cannot see any gaps in the given name which might have caused this. Methinks perhaps the package name is too long? Is i B4A Question Launch the app.. - RandomCoder (first post)    Feb 27, 2015 The APK is located in the Objects folder of your project. But if you use a space or period (.) in your project name then it will automatically be renamed to result.apk If for some reason the device is not connecting to your computer, this APK can be manually copied to the device and run. It would h B4A Question GooglePlay issues - mbatgr (first post)    May 24, 2021 Sorry for the delay...The only thing I observed is that now the compiled project is result.apk and result.aab respectively. I have the sense that in previous compilation (with past versions of B4A) the name was similar with the name of my project btsoy.fullversion.xxxxxx2 declared in "Build Settings B4A Question b4a debug / rapid_debug / release version - vangogh    Oct 06, 2023 I am refurbishing my old b4a app written on b4a v2.71 (paid version), it has been working till android 12, now it closes immediately on android 13
it's an app I use in a warehouse, it's not sold or distributed on play store
I used to install the "result_debug.apk" because so I could trap the error Spanish Cambiar nombre aplicación -SOLUCIONADO - bgsoft (first post)    Mar 26, 2015   (1 reaction) Hola Perdona pero algo habras echo mal :D, por que es una de las formas rápidas de cambiar el nombre del proyecto y de la apk. Si despues de renombrarlo no lo has cargado y compilado es logico que no te saliera. Luego al renombrar el nombre de la aplicación y compilar ha surgido efecto, pero no por B4A Question Why APK file name is not same as package name. - mangojack (first post)    Jan 17, 2021   (2 reactions) If I remember right ... .apk file name is derived from your Project name . If the project name contains a space you will end up with "result.apk"
ie: compiling in Release mode ...
"My Project.b4a" > "result.apk"
"MyProject.b4a" > "MyProject.apk" B4A Question Where to find my created APK - ronell (first post)    Oct 15, 2017 is there some reason why some project apk is result.apk? il post a new thread for this question if needed Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |