B4A Question Email attachments - Erel (first post)    May 14, 2015 SMTP is a text based protocol, so binary files are converted to base 64 string and split into multiple parts.
I don't recommend you to use SMTP for such large mails. Use FTP or HttpUtils2 instead. B4J Code Snippet [B4X] Solving encoding issues with html mails sent with SMTP (Net library) - Erel    Mar 14, 2021   (11 reactions) Encoding the html text with base64 avoids encoding issues, especially with MS Outlook.
This code is compatible with B4A and B4J:
Dim su As StringUtils
smtp.Body = su.EncodeBase64(html.GetBytes("utf8")) 'html = the html body
smtp.AdditionalHeaders.Put("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "BASE64")
Note th B4J Question SMTP - Connection closed / Access denied - Invalid HELO name - aaronk    Apr 02, 2021 (removed email and password while posting on the forum)
Here is the code I am using:
Sub Process_Globals
Dim smtp As SMTP
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
End Sub
Sub RunSMTPTest
Dim smtpServer As String = "mail.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx"
Dim smtpP B4J Question SMTP email classification - BlueVision    Dec 14, 2022 The company uses Outlook365:
Should it be due to the missing classification, how can a mail to be sent via SMTP already be classified in the code? B4A Question SMTP (Net Lib) - giga (first post)    Jul 10, 2015   (2 reactions) Take a look at this:
https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/new-net-library-android-ftp-smtp-and-pop3.10892/ B4J Question SMTP send mail issue from outlook - teddybear    Apr 10, 2022 I configured IMAP and SMTP in a third-party mail client as required by outlook,It works well.
In B4j I use same way to set SMTP, it does not work, my code is
SMTP.Initialize("mailserver", portnumber ,"[email protected]" , "password", "smtp")
SMTP.Subject = Subject
SMTP.Body = Body
German Mail per SMTP versenden - peternmb    Nov 03, 2021 Hallo,
ich versuche in meiner App eine Mail per SMTP zu versenden
SMTP.Initialize(domain, 25, user, pass, "SMTP")
SMTP.StartTLSMode = True
SMTP.To.Add("[email protected]")
SMTP.Sender = "[email protected]"
SMTP.Subject = "Das ist B4A Library New Net library - Android FTP, SMTP and POP3 - Erel    Feb 14, 2021   (21 reactions) V1.35 is released. This version adds support for STARTTLS mode.
Unlike UseSSL mode the connection is "upgraded" to a secured connection only after the client sends the STARTTLS command.
Most of the popular smtp servers support this mode, usually on port 587.
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolea B4J Question [SOLVED] smtp.Send and ExitApplication ... no email sent - pierrem (first post)    Jan 07, 2021 Also tried (from forum ...)
SMTP1.Initialize(localSmtp, localPort, localCompte, localPass,"smtp")
'Wait For (SMTP1.Send) Complete (Success As Boolean)
Wait For smtp_MessageSent(Success As Boolean)
End Try
not workin B4J Question SMTP send as text and html - mindful    Nov 30, 2017 Hello everybody, is it possible to send an email containing both text and html using the SMTP class from jNet library ?
SMTP.HtmlBody is just a switch that sets the body either text or html.
I want to send the email in html format but for those recipients whos email client has html format disabled Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |