Wish Runtime symbols for current sub and current line - Alessandro71 (first post)    Aug 16, 2022 Sender is a runtime object, CURRENTxxx tokens might just be preprocessor macros B4A Question ViewsEx or XUI Views and Sender(solved) - Star-Dust (first post)    Jun 24, 2020 No, your personalized view doesn't change. The sender is a simple EditText internal to the FloatLabeledEditText .
If then you need to recall the personalized view is another matter. You have to use another method than the sender. B4A Question Sender does not work - walt61 (first post)    Mar 23, 2024   (1 reaction) Please post (export as zip) a small test project that demonstrates the error. It looks like the sender is a button and not an edittext but it's hard (for me at least) to say what's going wrong without more details. B4A Question ActivitySetResult + FileProvider + Bitmap = Failure - JohnC (first post)    Feb 20, 2023 Basically, he has two apps.
The "Sender" apps sends an image via an intent to the "Reciever" app, and this part works.
But when the "Receiver" app tries to send an image back to the "Sender" using an intent, the sender does properly recieve the intent and the URI part of the intent, but when the S B4A Question What do I not get about an array - DonManfred (first post)    Oct 02, 2018 The sender side of the Asyn stream is sending data which arrives in the event you mentioned.
The data are NOT created in this sub. You can use the data to know what you got from the Stream. B4A Question problem with callsub in event routine - LucaMs (first post)    Aug 07, 2023 I used the Sender object!
Dim Name As String = Sender.As(CLabel).Name
Select Name
the As method is used to carry out the casting- B4A Question [SOLVED]Sender for B4XView switch view - Erel (first post)    Mar 01, 2020   (4 reactions) Try this:
Dim sw As B4XSwitch = Sender
Dim index As Int = CLV1.GetItemFromView(sw.mBase) Italian Nome controllo - LucaMs (first post)    Feb 06, 2024 Il Sender, in un evento della View (o B4XView) "rappresenta" la View che ha scatenato l'evento (non so se tu indessi questo o come fruttarlo).
Quindi, se hai:
Private Sub
Dim btn As Button = Sender
End Sub
E' un po' come se lo ricevessi come parametro, come fosse:
Private Sub (btn As B Italian Inizializzazione Imageview a Sender - Sagenut (first post)    Feb 19, 2021 Devi mettere
sRow = delClick.tag
perchè è quella che ora ha il riferimento alla tua Imageview tramite il Sender.
Puoi anche evitare di passare il TAG ad una stringa.
Puoi fare riferimento direttamente al TAG dove useresti la stringa. B4J Question Sender not set in WebView_LocationChanged event - drgottjr (first post)    Jul 05, 2022   (5 reactions) sleep() kills the sender. if i add sleep() to my example, sender becomes null. sender is only valid within the sub (see erel's documentation). sleep() alters that situation. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |