B4A Question TabHost.CurrentTab with Title - Mahares (first post)    
Dec 17, 2020   
(1 reaction)You are using a very old library, where Erel highly recommends switching to TabStripViewPager, especially when it looks like you have just joined the forum.
link: Ok I try immediately, thanks.
link: Hi everyone, here I am again asking for help from you experts: I created this application with a TabHost ... now I put a CurrentTab and when I change
B4A Question Tabhost AddTabWithIcon ?? - Erel (first post)    
Oct 11, 2015TabHost is a UI element. UI elements cannot be declared in Process_Globals (because they hold a reference to the current activity). So you cannot treat it like a list.
link: Ok erel, it is now already clear for me that a tabhost is a ui element and not like a list.
Thank you anyway for making it more clear for me :)
link: :D
After 2 years if i would make that mistake i would give up b4x.
I know that every app start activity create will be called, my question was (in d
link: hi
i am trying to use the tabhost view in my app and i am creating 3 pages in activity create
but i dont know why the tabs are added but without an
B4A Question Change a selected tab background in TabHost or TabStrip - PaulMeuris (first post)    
Jun 09, 2022   
(1 reaction)Alex,
You might want to use a TabHost View.
For each tab in the tabhost you have to create a layout file in the designer (Su_layout, Mo_layout, ...).
And in the code you initialize the tabs like so:
link: You are member here as long as i am and you need a description on how to add a panel to a layout, set a TAG to this panel and get the panel with
link: Thank you for your reply. It works exactly as in your code. The problem is that I need to highlite (change a color) of the selected day of week which
link: Hi all.
I need to change a selected tab background in either TabHost or TabStrip.
I tried to run the example for TabHost with android:targetSdkVersion
B4A Question TABHOST Header Color/Theme Issue - lkching7 (first post)    
Jun 19, 2015;) Finally I Know Already. The Dard TabHost is Default Style of Theme.Light
link: I Already Using Theme.Light.
SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@android:style/Theme.Light")
But The TabHost Still is Theme.Holo Style (Dark Sty
link: Thank For Your Reply.
But The TabHostExtra Only For Set TabHost Background.
I Think Is Theme Issue.
link: Have you seen this .. TabHost Extras ... Customise the TabHost
and also ... Tabhost .. Set color of current tab?
B4A Question how to start ? - Erel (first post)    
Apr 07, 2016TabHost is a good solution if you want to show multiple layouts in the same page.
You can always add more views programmatically. I recommend you to start with the visual designer. Anchors and the designer script will make it much easier to implement a flexible layout.
link: I stumpled over TabHost !?
is this a good starting point ?
B4A Question Tabhost with two identical Layoutfiles - Erel (first post)    
Oct 10, 2021Tip: TabHost is quite an outdated control. In most cases it is better to use TabStripViewPager.
You can load layouts multiple times.
A global view variable will point to the last view loaded with the relevant name. This means that you need to use a different way to access the views.
There are many
link: Hello,
I have a tabhost with 6 Layoutfiles.
Two of them has the same name (in this case: Page_2)
But only the second tab with "Page 2" will be show
link: Thank you,
but the place is no problem because there a buttons for submenues in both files.
My project is an inputmask on a tablet for 2 different r
link: Whilst not a direct answer to your question ...
Is it not an option to load / display all the views in a ScrollView and present that in Tab 2 .. a
B4A Question Hide Tabs from TabHost - fixit30 (first post)    
Jun 16, 2015TabHostExtras is a library that extends the functionality of your existing TabHost
link: Hi,
Is it possible to hide tabs from a tabhost?
link: But using tabhost?
link: You can do this using TabHostExtras
German TabHost - Heinz (first post)    
Apr 25, 2022Das xCustomListview, das bei den Bibliotheken erscheint, scheint ja das gleiche zu sein,
wie im Designer das CustomListview ohne x davor.
PS: Ich hätte ja das Scrollview genommen, aber mit diesem hat man kaum Möglichkeiten, was das
Einfügen, Ändern, Löschen usw. betrifft.
link: Hallo, ich hätte bezüglich des Tabhost ein paar Fragen.
Ich hatte mir so eine Art Einkaufsliste gemacht und möchte das ganze
jetzt verfeinern. Um eine
link: Ich habe das anders gemacht. ;)
Ich habe im HAUPT-Layout Buttons angelegt und jede Menge Panels.
Im Code die Designer-Datei den Panels zugewiesen.
B4A Question Curious Tabhost - Erel (first post)    
Oct 21, 2020Starting from Android 4 theme, there are no images, unless the text is empty.
TabHost is indeed an old and mostly not used container.
link: Check your manifest - the minimum sdk is set differently for the two projects thats why, so to achieve the same result, make sure their manifest also
link: As a side note ... give consideration to follow @Erels recommendation to change to TabStripViewPager
link: DirAssets, "tonalite1.png")
Bmp2_tonalite = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "tonalite2.png")
Bmp1_quid = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "quid1.png")
B4A Question TabHost on top of other views - gezueb    
Apr 27, 2022I would like to call a TabHost View (linechart) from an existing layout. The Linecharts appears, but the views from the calling layout are still visible and active. How can I put the linechart in front of other views so that they disappear until I press aback button? The method "bringtofront" of the
link: Load the layout to a panel that is above the other views?
You can also use B4XDialog to show it as a dialog.
link: Thank you Erel! I loaded an opaque hiding panel on top of the "older" views. This successfully covered all theses "lower" views (labels, text, camera
link: I elevated the panel! Indeed it covers what's below. But now the Tabhost and its Back-Button have vanished too. I tried to find some descriptions abou
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