B4J Code Snippet [B4X] AppendToTextFile - LucaMs    Nov 30, 2021   (9 reactions) Description: appends text to a text file ? Author: @Erel (original code here) Platforms: B4A, B4J, B4i Private Sub AppendToTextFile(Dir As String, FileName As String, Text As String, NewLine As Boolean) If NewLine Then Text = CRLF & Text End If Dim out As OutputStream = File.O B4A Question A simple to do lists app tutorial using custom listviews, text files and notes with additions for CLVExpandable and CLVDragger. - PaulMeuris    Apr 23, 2022   (15 reactions) This is a beginners tutorial to create a simple app to have some multi-purpose lists on your smartphone.
The app uses text files to store the information (so no database knowledge required).
In the app the user can specify a category and subcategory that an item belongs to.
In the fine tuning sectio B4A Tutorial [B4X] Features that Erel recommends to avoid - Erel    Dec 06, 2023   (89 reactions) File.DirRootExternal -> ContentChooser / SaveAs
File.DirInternal / DirCache / DirLibrary / DirTemp / DirData / DirDefaultExternal / GetSafeDirDefaultExternal -> XUI.DefaultFolder
Round2 -> NumberFormat, B4XFormatter:
Most usages of Round2 are to format numbers. Modifyin B4A Tutorial [B4X] TextEditor - Save and load external files - Erel    Sep 10, 2023   (38 reactions) A bit related B4J example: https://www.b4x.-recent-files-manager.104633/post-822842
- 9/2023 - Fixed an issue in B4A where overwriting existing files didn't trim file. Thanks @noeleon for reporting! B4A Example Share Text File Between 2 Apps - aeric    Jun 01, 2024   (2 reactions) This is just another example based on the ManageExternalStorage class provided by @agraham.
It is a response to this question.
B4ARepositoryWriter - writes a text file to an "external" directory (you can view using File Explorer).
B4ARepositoryReader - reads the text file in this directory if it ex B4A Code Snippet [B4X] Reading a UTF 8 file that might have BOM - Erel    Mar 22, 2018   (16 reactions) UTF8 text files might include a BOM character. You can test it by using a decent text editor such as Notepad++. Always prefer to work with text files encoded with UTF8 without BOM. This code reads a UTF8 text file and removes the BOM character if needed: Sub ReadUTF8FileMaybeWithBOM (Dir As Strin B4A Code Snippet New DbUtils Feature - Reviewnow (first post)    Feb 05, 2015   (2 reactions) RauchG Please take the time to read the text files tutorial it will help you understand.. https://www.b4x.-files.6690/#content B4A Tutorial [B4X] Tips for B4X developers - Erel    Jun 20, 2017   (72 reactions) Notepad++. At one point or another we need to work with text files. I highly recommend all developers to use a good text editor that shows the encoding, the end of line characters and other important features. https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ B4J Tutorial B4J Shell commands list and launch tool - PaulMeuris    Aug 24, 2022   (13 reactions) In my previous tutorial i gave a hint to what the next project would be like. In this tutorial you can compose shell command lines. Each line consists of an Executable entry, a Working directory entry and an Arguments entry. Sometimes you don’t need to provide arguments for the command. In the case B4i Tutorial Symbolicating a crash report - Erel    Jul 19, 2016   (2 reactions) The text file content is: 0x000000010015f42c 0x00000001000dd8bc 0x00000001000c0bc4 0x00000001000c30f8 0x0000000100125154 0x0000000183188a60 0x0000000183080488 0x000000010015e958 0x000000010015e13c 0x0000000100176908 4. Copy the text file to the Mac. On the Mac we have a folder with two files, th Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |