B4A Question Array of Views - JonPM (first post)    Dec 01, 2015   (2 reactions) As we mentioned in that post please show us your code. You are likely doing something wrong. B4A Question Array of views - Erel (first post)    Jan 09, 2019   (1 reaction) Very bad.
There are many ways.
See this video tutorial:
254862941 B4A Question Arrays of views question - Tim Green    Aug 03, 2016 Using "Android Tutorial Tick-Tack-Toe: working with arrays of views" as a code model I implemented a simple application which creates a 5x5 matrix of small panels on the screen and then sets the color of one of the panels. But as detailed in the uploaded application, the last created panel seems to B4A Question array of views - klaus (first post)    Aug 17, 2018 Unfortunately you don't give enough information.
How did you declare lblFrom(12)
Dim lblFrom(12) As Label, here you don't loos propeties
Dim lblFrom(12) As View, here you loose properties
Dim lblFrom(12) As B4XView, here acces the B4XView properties which has the Label properies, no loose of B4i Question Declare arrays of views in the designer [closed] - Didier9    Jun 28, 2018 I need help doing this, if it is possible.
Some of my apps deal with arrays of views to facilitate processing. Erel strongly suggests using the Designer to declare views (rather than declaring in code) but I have not found a way or an example for how to do that.
TIA B4A Question [Solved]Assign an array of views in declaration - klaus (first post)    Oct 19, 2019   (2 reactions) If you have lblDay0, lblDay1, lblDay2, lblDay3, lblDay4 in a layout and you load it, no need to Initialize the Labels.
The code below works:
Sub Globals
Private lblDay(), lblDay0, lblDay1, lblDay2, lblDay3, lblDay4 As Label
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Activity.LoadLay B4A Question How change editText.text value from service module - josejad (first post)    Apr 07, 2020   (1 reaction) Well, you can have an array of view (edittext) in your main module, and you can pass an array of values from you sub, as explained. Then, in you main sub, go through the array of edittext assigning the same position of the array of values B4A Library [B4X] XUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs - Erel    Dec 12, 2023   (82 reactions) The thumb disappears when the switch is disabled. V1.90 - Many small changes and bug fixes. - B4XColorTemplate.SelectedColor can be set. V1.89 - ScrollingLabel.TextColor property. V1.88 - B4XDialog.ButtonsOrder field. Allows changing the order of buttons. For example: Dialog.ButtonsOrder = Array As B4A Question array of view - DonManfred (first post)    Aug 17, 2020   (1 reaction) You can use the Tag to store infos about the Image. imv(i).Tag = i instead of just storing i you also could store a map with more infos in the Tag. It is up to you. B4A Question Designer and array of buttons - Erel (first post)    Apr 26, 2017 It is very simple to create arrays of views. However this is an old thread. For further discussion please start a new thread. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |