B4i Tutorial B4i Change Log (versions history) - Erel    Dec 04, 2024   (1 reaction) Find all references, quick search and find subs / modules tool windows were rewritten and are now syntax colored, the text is selectable and you can jump directly to the selected position: https://www.b4x..png Subs code appears in the quick info windows: https://www.b4x..png This code is also s B4i Question TabBar BarButton badge ? - Semen Matusovskiy (first post)    Apr 12, 2021   (1 reaction) BarButton is not a view, but has a property view
Having a view, it's possible to add label ('barge') as subview in right top corner.
To find a view after Page1.ToolbarButtons = ..., it's neccessary to wait a little. B4i Question BarButtons and "Exit" application by setting it to background - Erel (first post)    Sep 06, 2022   (1 reaction) An iOS app is not allowed to close itself or to move to the background. B4i Code Snippet Barbutton events - bobbruns    Sep 08, 2021   (1 reaction) Just a reminder that the event caused by pressing the iphone barbuttons using B4Xpages is now: Private Sub B4XPage_MenuClick (Tag As String) Log(Tag) End Sub The old way: Private Sub BarButton_Click Dim b As Button = Sender Log("Toolbar Click Tag = " & b.Tag) End Sub no longer works. B4i Question Third and every additional ToolBarButton is aligned to the left - Erel (first post)    Nov 12, 2020   (1 reaction) No need for the OBJC code.
Dim bb As BarButton
bb.InitializeSystem(bb.ITEM_FLEXIBLE_SPACE, "") Other B4i v6.30 has been released! - Erel    Dec 12, 2019   (14 reactions) Warning and errors do not hide other information: https://www.b4x..png Copy warnings from list of warnings. Generate 'Create Type' Sub: https://www.b4x..gif Copy events: https://www.b4x..png Modules list is saved in lexicographic order to avoid unexpected changes with source control tools. Fi B4i Question Problem with DocumentPicker.Show - Erel (first post)    Jul 14, 2024   (1 reaction) You cannot add BarButton without a navigation bar, however more importantly, there was an issue with showing the picker on a non-BarButton view. This is fixed: https://www.b4x.-to-internal-libraries.48179/post-994165
You can actually pass Null as the view (make sure not to pass an invalid BarButton B4A Question An Android style menu class - Didier9    Jul 19, 2018   (1 reaction) Open the menu by clicking on the Navigation bar element (set in the designer) Sub PageMain_BarButtonClick( Tag As String) If Tag = "Menu" Then If Menu.Visible = False Then Menu.Show Else Menu.hide End If End If End Sub ' Page_BarButtonClick B4i Question Changing Tab Bar content - Erel (first post)    Dec 29, 2020 Dim bb As BarButton
bb.InitializeSystem(bb.ITEM_CAMERA, "tag")
Or bb.InitializeBitmap for non-system icons. B4i Question How to use an icon+text in ToolBar buttons ? - Erel (first post)    Feb 02, 2023   (1 reaction) 1. You can use TabBarControllar instead of NavigationController.
2. You can use BarButton.InitializeCustom with a panel which holds other views. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |