B4J Library jCanvasExt Extends Canvas methods - klaus    Aug 27, 2023   (20 reactions) The coordinates are transformed by the current transform as they are added to the path.
arcTo (x1 As Double, y1 As Double, x2 As Double, y2 As Double, Radius As Double) As String
Adds an arc to the next point (x2, y2) in the current path
x1, y1 coordinates of point 1
x2, y2 coordinates of point 2
Share My Creation Easy cad dimensions - hookshy (first post)    Dec 15, 2018   (2 reactions) Waited long time to figure out how to erase objects drawn on table
Here is some simple efficient way to clear the canvas
How did I do it ?
-save the picture copy when the user starts new project
-clippath with canvas.clippath to a rectangle boundary
-draw the saved copy of original to the current B4J Question .drawpath auto invalidates? - Erel (first post)    Jun 24, 2018 It has nothing to do with invalidation.
It is possible that DrawPath is slow as it requires clipping the canvas. DrawPolygon is not the same as DrawPath.
B4XCanvas and Canvas have the exact same performance characteristics. B4J Library AsyncCanvas, B4XCanvas wrapper with Invalidate for B4J - max123    Jul 01, 2024   (6 reactions) Clear (Color As Int) As Clear the full canvas with the given color. ClearTargetRect As This is a short hand of cvs.ClearRect(cvs.TargetRect) ClearRect (Rect As B4XRect) As Clears the given rectangle. Does not work with clipped paths. ClipPath (Path As B4XPath) As Clips the drawings to a closed p B4A Example RoundBitmapWithBorder - inline java code - Johan Schoeman (first post)    Nov 15, 2015   (4 reactions) (targetWidth - 5)/2); Bitmap targetBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(targetWidth, targetHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(targetBitmap); Path path = new Path(); path.addCircle(((float) targetWidth - 1) / 2, ((float) targetHeight - B4A Question DrawPath() problem with Clipping? [SOLVED] - W. Graf    Jul 06, 2018 Hi!
I'm having a question about ImageView, Canvas and DrawPath().
I want to draw multiple lines with DrawPath with this Code (see also attachment for a demo):
Dim canvas1 As Canvas
Dim PolygonPath As Path
PolygonPath.Initialize (64,154)
PolygonPath.LineTo (113,234) B4J Question Cannot recreate B4XRect after put it inside a List [SOLVED] - max123 (first post)    Jun 18, 2023 Great @Daestrum , but I don't know how apply it, B4XPath is a wrapper of Path2D or just a part of it ?
How to apply here ?
'Clips the drawings to a closed path.
Sub ClipPath (Path As B4XPath)
CommitCommand(Array("ClipPath", Path))
End Sub
Note that this is a first sub called by the Main, so no B4A Question Help needed. DrawPath object on canvas is covered by Label view - fredo    Nov 16, 2019 Left = innerView.Left + x - downx
innerView.Top = innerView.Top + y - downy
TouchPanelOverBubble.Left = innerView.Left
TouchPanelOverBubble.Top = innerView.Top
End If
Return True
End Sub
private Sub BubbleMoved
Spanish Borrar graficos - JordiCP (first post)    Mar 31, 2016 Si solo te dibuja una parte es posible que hayas utilizado el método "ClipPath" del canvas. Si es así, antes del "Canvas.DrawColor" deberías poner un "Canvas.RemoveClip" para que el canvas vuelva a apuntar a toda la area de dibujo. En cuanto a la segunda pregunta, la correcta es la primera. El "btn B4A Question Cut out shapes from canvas - Yvon Steinthal (first post)    May 02, 2018 Thanks Erel, i have found this solution a bit before you wrote yours:
The two methods are not mine, took them from one of your old answers.
Looking for the fastest way, but it works well enough.
Dim circle As Path
circle.Initialize(ImageSize/2, ImageSize/2)
Dim radius As Float = ImageSi Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |