B4A Question Editable view to write a lot of text - Jeffrey Cameron (first post)    Sep 13, 2021   (2 reactions) You may wish to investigate these two properties: EditText1.SingleLine = False EditText1.InputType = EditText1.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT That may help you accomplish what you're trying to do. If you're looking for something a little more "Wordpad-ish" then take a look at https://www.b4x.-version-20 French comment utiliser EditText1 ? - klaus (first post)    Jan 08, 2024 Essaies avec editText.InputType = editText.INPUT_TYPE_NONE B4A Question EditText As B4XView InputType - Erel (first post)    Oct 28, 2020   (1 reaction) Rule number #1 of B4XView: you can always cast the view back to the native type and do whatever you like.
Dim et As EditText = YourView
et.InputType = ...
I recommend using B4XFloatTextField from XUI Views, in cross platform solution. B4A Tutorial Handle the soft keyboard with the IME library - Erel    Aug 27, 2024   (27 reactions) Custom filters
EditText.InputType allows you to set the keyboard mode and the allowed input.
However there are situations where you need to use a custom filter. For example if you want to accept IP addresses (ex: In this case none of the built-in types will work. Setting the input type B4A Library [Lib] Masked EditText - Informatix    Jan 23, 2020   (43 reactions) This EditText fixes a few issues with the standard EditText and adds new features:
- Filter: you can transform any input before the text is changed;
- Mask: you can define an input mask;
- Read-only: you can protect your EditText against changes;
- Floating hint: the hint moves above the EditText wh German EditText.InputType - klaus (first post)    Nov 24, 2023 Füge edtTest.SingleLine = False hinzu.
EditText1.InputType = Bit.Or(0x00004000, 0x00000001)
EditText1.SingleLine = False B4A Question [SOLVED] Problem writing EditText.Text to Map - GMan (first post)    Feb 26, 2019 This does the Trick (even the EditText-fields are marked as TEXT)
EditTextName.InputType = EditTextName.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT
EditTextemail.InputType = EditTextemail.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT
But only when SAVING.
When reading the map with this code:
Mappi = File.ReadMap(share & "/testdir","userda B4A Question Inputtype - ronell (first post)    May 16, 2017   (1 reaction) EditText1.InputType = Bit.Or(EditText1.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 0x00000020) B4A Question B4XPreferencesDialog suggestions from dictionary - jcmartini (first post)    May 30, 2020 Sorry to ask my question at the wrong place.
The solutions I found, were for EditText. With Preferences dialogs we access data from/to a map collection. So how we can't do something like:
"EditText.InputType = Bit.Or(EditText.InputType, 524288)" B4A Question Input Types for ViewsEx and Event Problem - Erel (first post)    Jul 02, 2018 t2.EditText.InputType = Bit.Or(Bit.Or(0x80000, 0x2000), t2.EditText.InputType) Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |