B4A Question Osm lines disappear -- hardwareAccelerated="false" - PABLO2013    Aug 26, 2022 Greetings, I'm drawing in osmodroid 4.1, but it turns out that when I zoom the lines disappear, looking for a solution I found that removing the acceleration, but I don't know what it means and how to do it, also how to solve this problem in osm 4.1, thanks 133064 B4A Library Unity Ads Library - Pendrush    Oct 14, 2022   (23 reactions) android:configChanges="fontScale|keyboard|keyboardHidden|locale|mnc|mcc|navigation|orientation|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|uiMode|touchscreen" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" android:hardwareAccelerated="false" /> B4A Library IronSource Ads - Pendrush    Apr 07, 2022   (9 reactions) Original library: https://github.com/ironsource-mobile/android-sdk/ Based on IronSource SDK v7.2.1.1 (21 Mar 2022) Banners and Interstitial only. Add this to manifest: AddApplicationText(<activity android:name="com.ironsource.sdk.controller.ControllerActivity" android:con B4A Library AdColony Library - Pendrush    Jan 13, 2022   (14 reactions) Original library: https://github.com/AdColony/AdColony-Android-SDK Based on AdColony Library v4.6.5 (21 October 2021). Banner, Interstitial and Rewarded Interstitial. For Interstitial Ad and for Rewarded Interstitial Ad you need to add this in your manifest: AddApplicationText(<activity B4A Question help with google developer error logs - Erel (first post)    Jan 07, 2021 This is not a common error so it is likely related to something that you are doing in your app.
Anyway, you can disable it for a specific version with:
SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:hardwareAccelerated, "@bool/hardwareAccelerated")
CreateResource(values, bool.xml,
<bool name= B4A Question katexmathview - error - omo (first post)    Nov 25, 2023 If I remember very well how I resolved this kind of problem years ago in webview related blurrish text, I found the problem related to manifest. In the manifest editor, try to add this to the manifest if not there already: SetApplicationAttribute(Android: hardwareAccelerated, false) B4A Question Admob Mediation With IronSourc - DonManfred (first post)    Jan 01, 2020   (2 reactions) away from the firebase integration needed in manifest try adding this code to your manifest AddApplicationText(<activity android:name="com.ironsource.sdk.controller.ControllerActivity" android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" android:hardwareAccelerated="t B4A Question AdColony advertising library - Erel (first post)    Jan 26, 2020   (5 reactions) *; public static class extends AdColonyInterstitialListener { public void onRequestFilled(AdColonyInterstitial ad) { main.processBA.raiseEventFromUI(null, "adcolony_onrequestfilled", ad); } } #End If Manifest: CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, Core.NetworkClearText) AddPermission(and B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS Scheduler ? - MonthView, DayView (Week), AgendaView and CalendarView [Payware] - Alexander Stolte (first post)    Apr 02, 2022 I can not reproduce it. You mean, if you use the function "Scroll2Date" in B4A and select a date e.g. 18.10.2022 then said error occurs? I have tried it in release mode, debug mode, with different smartphones, I have not managed to crash the app with this error. Stackoverflow says: "OutOfMemoryEr B4A Question Webview and API level is >=14 - Erel (first post)    Oct 02, 2016   (1 reaction) Please avoid. This is a community forum.
Never encountered such issue.
You can use SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:hardwareAccelerated, "false") in the manifest editor. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |