B4A Question Problem in the GPS speed - agraham (first post)    Nov 15, 2024   (1 reaction) Check that Location.SpeedValid is True. If it is then Location.Speed should give your speed in metres/second. Your reading of 10 m/s is 36 km/hr. B4A Library FusedLocationProviderGMS (Latest) - Ivica Golubovic    Oct 07, 2023   (26 reactions) Locations that are (nearly) antipodal may produce meaningless results. DistanceTo (Dest As LocationF) As Float Returns the approximate distance in meters between this location and the given location. Distance is defined using the WGS84 ellipsoid. HasAccuracy As Boolean Returns true if this location B4A Tutorial GPS tutorial - Erel    Dec 13, 2019   (22 reactions) 'Starter service Sub GPS_LocationChanged (Location1 As Location) CallSub2(Main, "LocationChanged", Location1) End Sub 'Main activity Public Sub LocationChanged(Location1 As Location) lblLat.Text = "Lat = " & Location1.ConvertToMinutes(Location1.Latitude) lblLon.Text = "Lon = " & Location1. B4A Question GPS walk or drive - emexes (first post)    Jul 31, 2019   (3 reactions) 82664
go to the top hit and midway through the first post, it's like Erel's seen us coming:
'Starter service
Sub GPS_LocationChanged (Location1 As Location)
CallSub2(Main, "LocationChanged", Location1)
End Sub
'Main activity
Public Sub LocationChanged(Location1 As Location)
lblLat.Text = "L B4A Tutorial DJI virtual stick-tutorial, waypoint- and hotpoint-mission for DJI Mini- and Air-series - schimanski    Apr 24, 2022   (10 reactions) Dim AutoFLightSpeed As Int = 15 'max speed in vs-mode
Dim VSLocation As Location
VSLocation.Initialize2(gmap.CameraPosition.Target.Latitude, gmap.CameraPosition.Target.Longitude) 'We could fly to a point of the map
Sub TimerVirtualStick_Tick
WayPointVirtualStick(VSLo B4A Question GPS position - josejad (first post)    Apr 08, 2022   (1 reaction) Check the GPS example As you can see, you can save it instead of assigning to lalLat and lblLon. Public Sub LocationChanged(Location1 As Location) lblLat.Text = "Lat = " & Location1.ConvertToMinutes(Location1.Latitude) lblLon.Text = "Lon = " & Location1.ConvertToMinutes(Location1.Longitude) Spanish Calcular la velocidad aproximada en KMH con el acelerómetro? - klaus (first post)    Apr 29, 2015   (1 reaction) You can forget trying to calculate the speed using the accelerometer. The result will be much too unaccurate. Use the GPS you get the speed with Location.Speed. The unit is meters/second. To get km/h multiply by 3.6. B4A Question Missing information in prominent disclosure - JohnC (first post)    May 26, 2021   (2 reactions) Ok, here is the new dialog text I would suggest:
Location Authorization
This app needs to obtain information about your location so that it can:
1) Use GPS satellite data to make sure all location and trip times are accurate in this app
2) Continuously monitor and record your vehicle's speed, dire B4A Question FLP, speed never return to zero - Mostez    Jun 29, 2021 Notify(nid) LastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now End If End Sub Private Sub CreateLocationRequest() As LocationRequest Dim lr As LocationRequest lr.Initialize lr.SetSmallestDisplacement(10) '10 meters lr.SetInterval(1000) lr.SetFastestInterval(lr.GetInterval / 2) lr.Set B4A Library DJI Drones UI - use DJI widgets in your App - DonManfred    Apr 14, 2018   (15 reactions) NO_ACTION - No further action will be taken on completion of mission. GO_HOME - The aircraft will go home and land. AUTO_LAND - The aircraft will land at the last waypoint. GO_FIRST_WAYPOINT - The aircraft will go to the first waypoint. CONTINUE_UNTIL_END - Mission will not end until StopMission is Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |