B4A Library [B4X] B4XDrawerAdvanced - Sliding Drawer - Left and Right Panel - Alexander Stolte    Aug 02, 2024   (25 reactions) I took the original B4XDrawer code from @Erel and modified it to create a new view.
This view supports right panel in B4A and B4I. What was often requested.
I spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to create a high quality view cost a lot of tim B4A Library AHViewPager library - Sliding panels now perfect - corwin42    Jun 23, 2016   (39 reactions) This library is a B4A implementation of the ViewPager object provided by the compatibility class from google. With this library it is possible to add sliding panels to your apps.
AHPageContainer - This object is a container for the pages of the AHViewPager. You should add Panels to this object.
AH B4A Code Snippet Image viewer. A zoomable image within each sliding panel - GeoT    Mar 25, 2023   (9 reactions) agraham's ScaleImageView library allows you to zoom the image by pinching and double-clicking.
Dominex's SlidingPanels class allows in part to place large, horizontally sliding panels.
I have put them together by making some modifications to the SlidingPanels class and adaptations with the ScaleIma B4A Library SD: Panel Extra (Slide Swap Scroll) - Star-Dust    Jun 30, 2020   (32 reactions) SlidePanel ' Slide Up/Down/Left/Right
Close (FromCode As Boolean)
Open (FromCode As Boolean)
PanelSlide As Panel
SlidePanelAnchor As Int
CloseAutomatically As Boolean
IsOpen As Boolean
Class_Globals As String
CloseSlidePanel As String
DesignerCreateView (Base As Share My Creation [Class]: iMashPager Sliding Panels adopted from AHViewPager - Mashiane    Jul 18, 2016   (3 reactions) Hi there
This class is an adoption of the AHViewPager from B4A to enable one to add sliding panels to their iOS apps easily. Thanks to Klaus with help in one of the methods. The inspiration for this started when I was converting my b4a app to b4i and this was the major functionality I needed.
In e B4A Question Slider Animation - corwin42 (first post)    Feb 15, 2017   (3 reactions) You can have a look at this class.
This is a sliding panels example which additionally implements a simple dots indicator. I guess you will only need the last two subs of the SlidingPanels class. Use one of the available ViewPagers for the page sliding and just add the dots indicator. B4J Question (Solved) Fixing my design problem... - BlueVision (first post)    Sep 25, 2023   (1 reaction) Steve, this is especially for you... I followed your idea and built a sliding panel. This is moving out if you tab (tablet) or click (mouse) on one of the 15 grey fields on the right of the screenshot. Then you simply have to choose a number from the numberpane, this fills the choosen value into the Share My Creation B4A - Fun with panels for noobs - Unobtainius    Nov 16, 2020   (6 reactions) I'm not entirely sure which part of the forum this go in so here it is. Inspired by @ramezaniabbas latest post of the beautiful Uis that he has been creating, I decided to have a go and see what I could come up with. This little app displays simple panels siding in and out from all directions and a Spanish [SOLUCIONADO] Un ScaleImageView dentro de cada SlidingPanels. Error al eliminar. - GeoT (first post)    Mar 27, 2023   (1 reaction) Solución final operativa puesta en Image viewer. A zoomable image within each sliding panel B4A Question Vertical Sliding Panel - Alexander Stolte (first post)    Jul 23, 2020   (3 reactions) What you need is a Draggable Bottom Card. I made a lib. for this, but I haven't published it yet.
i have published sample code, but this is not as mature as my lib. but this should be enough for a thought-provoking:
https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-draggable-bottom-card.114053/#content Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |