B4A Question New instance of an activity - LucaMs (first post)    Feb 14, 2018   (1 reaction) Those are only two activities: a member activity and a followers activity. You have to fill them based on the related data. B4A Question Scrollable List - Size Limits - Lakhtin_V (first post)    Nov 27, 2024 Interesting observation, I use two different activities. In one, all labels are of the same color and there is no failure from overflow. In the other activity, the same number of elements and rows, but it has multi-colored labels and it is in this activity that the overflow problem occurs. Therefore B4A Question Activities Cycle, Changing Orientations, and Object Initializations - Guardian17 (first post)    Jun 21, 2015   (1 reaction) I found a great simple example (provided by Erel) of using two Activities here:
In order to prove what I am trying to prove, I have modified Erel's Button1_Click code slightly to add a few Log messages and a delay loop immediate B4A Tutorial One App - Two Activities (or more) - Two launcher icons - tpakis    Apr 25, 2016   (8 reactions) For my latest wear app i needed two different launcher icons, each one starting one different activity of the same app. It's really easy to accomplish, it only needs to edit the manifest file. Let's assume we have an app with package name com.new.test and two activities act1, act2 and act1 is the m B4A Question Two Activities with shake - AlpVir    Dec 01, 2016 The attached project is a variant of "Two Activities Example".
The second task is started shaking the smartphone; not by pressing a button !!!
It works perfectly, BUT :
- if you press the power button
- if you fall on the screen timeout
no longer able to resurrect the service.
Probably it is a prob B4A Question Back button in b4a - regay (first post)    Feb 23, 2017 Hi erel can you help me I have two activities the first is main when I click label in main the image in main change but I my goal is to change the image in second activiy Here's my code If label3.Text = "EL NIDO" Then StartActivity(sample) Imageview1.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"map.png") B4A Question Select a class at runtime - William Lancee (first post)    Mar 05, 2022   (1 reaction) A possibility? I did some experimentation (see .zip) It is possible to put the declaration of a Class in the Sub Globals instead of the Process_Globals. Then one can use two Activities, one with Private Viewer As GCodeViewer2D and One with Private Viewer As GCodeViewer3D. I don't know if that wou B4A Question StartActivity does not open Activity2 - LucaMs (first post)    Oct 18, 2019 I did not understand very well and the project you have attached contains only two activities, Main and Activity2. Possibly attach the project with the 3 activities.
However, normally a button is not needed to go back, the user will press the back key and return to the previous activity.
If instead B4A Question Class - activity something else - guidance needed - Daica (first post)    Apr 24, 2021 If your app isn't so huge already, I would suggest switching over to B4XPages. here's some more info on interacting between 2 activities though, using CallSubDelay: Using CallSubDelayed to interact between activities and services | B4X Programming Forum B4A Question App activity vs widget activity - Paulo Rosa    Aug 28, 2018 Hi,
My app has a main activity and also a widget. Currently, I'm using two activities, one is for the app's main "screen" and the other is for the widget. This scheme is hard to work with, since B4A is not able to debug into widgets, and I need to have the same appearance and the same logic on both Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |