B4A Question Clear list, unexpected result? [Solved] - agraham (first post)    May 07, 2022   (4 reactions) There are two sorts of objects, primitives, like Ints, Doubles, Booleans etc, and object instances. Variables can be regarded as a memory address that stores a value. For variables declared as primitives the value stored is that of the primitive. For variables declared as instances the value is a p Wish [B4X] BBCode (AND EVERYWHERE) comment lines on methods & properties routines - LucaMs (first post)    Feb 12, 2021   (1 reaction) 1 - logically properties are properties, variables are variables;
2 - very often you have to check the value assigned to a property, prevent incorrect values;
3 - not rarely you will have a read-only property, you cannot do it with a public variable.
Last but not least... you cannot add comment lin B4A Question Class variables - William Lancee (first post)    Feb 23, 2022 Define your UP variable in Class_Globals as Public UP As Byte.
Then when you receive data you can compare it to CMDS.UP
B.T.W. your thread title is not informative. If my answer is not useful consider changing the title. B4A Question Can't reconnect network socket within service - OliverA (first post)    Mar 04, 2021   (1 reaction) All variables. Global/Process_Globals are global to the module at hand. The color coding of the variables in the IDE should give you a hint of their scope. B4A Question Initial state of variables - Jeffrey Cameron (first post)    Sep 06, 2018   (3 reactions) Simple variables (e.g. int, Boolean, long, string, etc.) behave that way. Object variables (e.g. List, Map, etc.) usually have an "Initialize" method you must invoke before you may use them. For example:
Dim MyInt as Int
Dim MyList as List
MyInt = 1
@Erel has B4J Question What is the difference between Public B4XPage and Private B4XPage? - agraham (first post)    Nov 15, 2021   (2 reactions) Private variables are visible only to code within a class instance. Public variables are visible to all code inside and outside a class instance. Spanish Reiniciar las variables como si se usara por primera vez la app. - angel_ (first post)    Jul 29, 2022   (1 reaction) Revisa el adjunto, quedan muchas cosas que corregir pero te puede servir como idea.
Utilizo la propiedad tag de los botones y sender. B4R Question Max array size - Gerardo Tenreiro (first post)    Dec 02, 2023   (1 reaction) The same thing happened to me but with the FLOAT variable, the limit is 25822 TOTAL variables declared in the application, if you declare more variables an error is generated that is usually from the WIFI.H release or something else. If you search the Forum you will see my post. https://www.b4x.com/ B4R Tutorial Memory, Variables and Objects - Erel    Aug 13, 2019   (5 reactions) Memory is a big issue in Arduino. 1. The available RAM is very small compared to other platforms. For example the Uno has 2k of RAM. 2. There is no sophisticated heap management which means that usage of dynamic memory should be avoided. 3. Programs are expected to run for a long time with zero mem Other B4J v8.00 BETA is available for download - sorex (first post)    Nov 24, 2019   (1 reaction) the variables addition is a real time saver, thanks again. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |