B4i Tutorial iMedia library - Camera and VideoView - Erel    Nov 19, 2017   (10 reactions) VideoView is an object that makes it quite simple to play local or remote videos.
The most important thing to remember about VideoView is that the object itself is not a View (unlike in B4A). The view is exposed through its View property.
In order to play a video you need to:
1. Initialize VideoVi B4J Library MediaView - video player - Erel    Mar 13, 2024   (26 reactions) 119693
This library includes two custom views: MediaView and MediaViewController.
MediaView can play local and remote videos and music.
The native JavaFX MediaView doesn't include a controller interface. I've implemented one. You can use it or create your own. Tip: the controller code and layout ar B4A Library videoviewplus (some events added) - moster67    Jan 12, 2015   (5 reactions) Another library of videoview with the following events added: Prepared, Error and Info. This wrapper requires API >=17 since the OnInfoListener is included. I called it videoviewplus (great innovation/fantasy in selecting a name) ;) The library is attached. B4A Library vlcb4a - a B4A wrapper of VLC (Android) - pripyat1583 (first post)    Dec 11, 2016   (1 reaction) I'm having a problem with the view disregarding the videoSize property. Also tried calling resizeVideo, which did nothing. I really need the video player to respect any size I pass it (not necessarily full-screen, as shown below), is this possible?
videoView.SetVid B4A Question Videoview Extension - ronovar (first post)    Apr 20, 2016   (1 reaction) You can use ffmpeg for b4a and use
FFMpegVideoView1.SetVideoLayout(FFMpegVideoView1.VIDEO_LAYOUT_ZOOM) B4A Question Subscribe to library updates - moster67 (first post)    Aug 08, 2016   (4 reactions) B4ATextureVideoView
This is a VideoView based on a TextureView instead of a SurfaceView (the standard VideoView in the Audio-library uses a SurfaceView).
This key difference allows a texture view to be moved, transformed, animated, etc. You can even take screenshots. B4A Library FFmpeg_b4a - a FFmpeg library for b4a (decoding/streaming) - moster67 (first post)    Jan 03, 2020   (1 reaction) No, this is a videoview library. B4A Library B4ATextureVideoView wrapper -another VideoView - moster67    Aug 22, 2016   (17 reactions) Here is another VideoView library....
This is a VideoView based on a TextureView instead of a SurfaceView (the standard VideoView in the Audio-library uses a SurfaceView).
B4ATextureVideoView offers the same capabilities as the standard VideoView but, unlike the standard VideoView, B4ATextureVideo B4A Question FFMpegVideoView1 XmlLayoutBuilder - Erel (first post)    May 07, 2016 tv.danmaku.ijk.media.widget.VideoView is not a native object. It probably comes from a library that you will need to wrap. B4A Question VideoView1 & VideoView2 Multiple Use? - ronovar    Feb 05, 2016 For example:
'INIT - VideoView
'Initialize VideoViewRelativeLayout
Dim VideoViewRelativeLayout1 As VideoViewRelativeLayout
'Add VideoView To VideoViewRelativeLayout Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |