12 generative arts all in one including: "Lost In Forest", "Processing Network", "Perlin Sea", "Why Is The Sky Blue?", "Waltz Of Circles", "Islands", "Word Clock", "Jelly In Sea", "Gravity", "Portrait Painter", "Web Of Lines", "Ribbon" JavaFx...
Try to figure out how a simple 3D framework works. Each frame drawing time is around 2ms for 640*640 resolution using pure B4X graphic functions. Antialiased DrawLine function with penwidth 1.0 causes some problems during drawing - the line...
Ola I have been learning about ArcGIS for a while and with the help of a friend, managed to get a few things going. ArcGIS has a REST API that one can use to extract all sorts of data from a feature layer. This data you can manipulate in anyway...
Hi there This is the 3rd demo of the web framework. In this case we execute api calls against the movies database and show trending movies and their details. Open Demo on CellPhone Github Repo: https://github.com/Mashiane/SithasoIONIC7MoviesAPI
Hi there This is another showcase of the SithasoIONIC7 web framework. Open Demo on CellPhone Github https://github.com/Mashiane/SithasoIONIC7---Landing--Sign-In--Sign-Up
Hi there Open Demo on Cellphone Github https://github.com/Mashiane/SithasoIONIC7---Beats-UI
Hi Netlify Demo The purpose of this tool is to sync your pocketbase database instances. I have synced a database source residing on PocketHost to a local hosted database, ensuring these have the same schema and records...
Port part of the famous Sfxr by DrPetter to B4X. SfxGen generates sound effect for games. The sfx can be exported to wav file. Java 8 and 14 jars are provided (I found 14 is HDPI aware, hard to run the jar directly though). B4A version may come soon.
hi all for a very long time (1,5 year) i worked on a very big project. it is a full quiz API project. I did not worked on in continuously and had very big breaks but now i am planning to release it to the world. There is only 1 person here that...
Ola Get this awesome FlipBook functionality to help you create WebApps for eBooks etc. That's the beauty & power of SithasoDaisy - Powered by BANano + B4x. Have fun!
Hello, I want to introduce to you a Lyn Bulk SMS Sender. Source code Only = $30 Software integrated with your own API, compiled into installable application = $20 Payment can be done through Paypal - mcqueccu [at] yahoo [dot] com FEATURES 0...
Hi there Get it now using PayPal SithasoDaisy ETM: A WebApp to keep track of Employee Training Schedules. This features Employee Trainings Employees Locations Training Types Employee Calendar Beautiful Product Tour Export to Excel Export to...
Employee Management System $11.9 Application developed in B4J with MySQL support as the database. App tested with some forum members, PHP version requirements must be followed well read the README Features 1. Three-Level Login: - Admin...
Hi there Deployed on Vercel This app brings you a list of Free To Play Games listing that you can browse and then play the game you want online. https://github.com/Mashiane/SithasoDaisyFTPGames
Hi there The attached source code lets you explore the countries API.. We use BANanoFetch to fetch and display countries related data from https://restcountries.com/v2/all
This is a mini template engine which can generate HTML dynamically by parsing templates on server-side. It is a bit like Django. 1. Templates A template is a text file which contains variables, tags. 1.1 Variable There are two types of template...
Hi, I want to share my extension of Tableview which include user friendly dynamically layout configuration, saving, reordering, and exporting. I created solution based on standard Tableview (not on b4xtable) because this was good base with all...
Hi I have been using PayPal since 2016 and was wondering about an analytical tool that I could use on the transactions, so I worked on this tool. This uses Pocketbase as a back-end. The summaries that it produces are: Get it...
Hi The Social Media Manager is an app that helps you post to your social media accounts. You can post to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. The post below was posted to FB from the app. Buy with Paypal Post Listing.. We can add...
Hi Here we convert the events from our app to google calendar events To fix: time-zones...