B4J Tutorial [ABMaterial] Making Responsive Apps - please contribute your expertise! - Harris    Jan 03, 2021   (11 reactions) Responsive ABMaterial Design - Making this a Reality!
ABM is great for easily making world class web apps - particularly for the desktop (big screens).
That being said, we often find ourselves less than impressed when we view our great app on a phone or tablet...
Personally, I have spent countless B4J Question [SOLVED] ABMaterial for Dummies: Lesson 6 - Sample Next Reports missing library? - Harris (first post)    Apr 21, 2020   (2 reactions) I am hoping that my Dummies tut is still valid today with latest version of ABM. Granted, one cannot start at lesson 5 (for example) - and expect all to work - if you didn't start from lesson 1. It was designed as a "step by step" - where each step (new lesson) may overwrite a previous lesson, with B4J Tutorial [ABMaterial] For Dummies (beginner lessons) - Harris    May 03, 2020   (39 reactions) It shall use ABM version 4.03 which is available to everyone. This well documented example will expose the Template page (populated with controls), a simple About page and the ABMShared code module containing the navigation bar and component themes. This is generally enough to get a newcomer start B4J Question [ABM] [SOLVED] Upgrading to 4.95 and copymewithjar.needs error/ - Harris (first post)    Jan 10, 2022   (1 reaction) Did you copy this file to the required directory? This has always been the case, yet the message now seems new... I think the file is created in debug mode... B4J Library [Web][ABMaterial] Framework for WebApps - Harris (first post)    Mar 15, 2024   (3 reactions) Start with my ABM for Dummies to get a grip on ABM. The knowledge and time invested is well worth it.
I know what he will say to the ABMCamera.... Use a ABM_Custom_Component and implement your own... Not that difficult once you know how ABM works. I have made several for my needs. Post your res B4J Question ABMaterial - Top Bar Forbidden Space - Harris (first post)    Jan 24, 2023   (1 reaction) Try fiddling with these params.. ( ABM. ) for example. The area in question is used for NavigationBar top items... One would "think" with no top item added, then the space would become available for the Title - but seems reserved in the original framework. One can always abbreviate the title when B4J Question ABMaterial Success Stories - Harris (first post)    Jan 02, 2022   (2 reactions) I have written a few tutorials about the fundamentals of using ABM. I have also expounded, till I am blue in the face, about the virtues of this fantastic framework and its' author. My apps work with CRUD. Lots of it, so it is important to be able to handle this effectively. For desktop web apps, B4J Question [SOLVED][ABMaterial] ABMInput - How to check if text is valid email - Harris (first post)    Apr 21, 2020   (3 reactions) ABM.INPUT_EMAIL - the ABM way of testing an email address (text input contains an "@" symbol).. Dim inp3 As ABMInput inp3.Initialize(page, "inp3", ABM.INPUT_EMAIL, "Verify Email Address", False, "") inp3.IconName = "mdi-communication-email" inp3.WrongMessage = "Wrong format for emai Share My Creation Ultimate Inventory & POS System B4J Web App : Source code For Sale - Harris (first post)    Dec 02, 2021   (2 reactions) From my experience, it could be written / transformed into an ABM app. It is the business logic that I am interested in and will likely re-write for ABM. B4J Question ABMaterial: Black screen when adding new page - Harris (first post)    May 22, 2020 ABM is a wonderful and mysterious framework.... Work with it in awe... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |