Wish B4XPages. Multi-platform. - LucaMs (first post)    Oct 18, 2024   (1 reaction) That can also be useful. This "Wish" is about developing B4XPages cross-platform projects. For example, once you open a B4XPages-B4A project, it would be nice if, when switching to the B4i IDE (and you could open it from within the B4A IDE), the copying of resource files, layouts and CODE MODULES w Wish Base project of "always-on" app - LucaMs (first post)    Feb 23, 2023 "Anyway" the "Wish" is mainly about: 1 the updating that foundational example 2 this type of basic, fundamental example projects, should be in a single forum or easily listable using a specific tag (?) Wish IDE - Find all references - module name - LucaMs    Apr 29, 2021   (4 reactions) It is not unlikely that I have already written a "Wish" similar to this but... In the "Find All References" Tab, the "column" of the module name has a fixed width. The ideal would be to allow the user to resize it (it has probably already been asked, even by me) but if this requires a lot of work ( Wish [B4X] B4XDateUtils - LucaMs (first post)    Jan 18, 2024   (1 reaction) ? My "Wishes" are almost always more suggestions than "my wishes". Wish CallSub - free number of parameters - LucaMs (first post)    Jan 23, 2019   (1 reaction) This is a "wish"; if it is achievable, not to hard to be implemented, well it would be very useful (with optional parameters even better). If not... we can live anyway (if we have enough money :D) Wish inline add/subtract etc. - LucaMs (first post)    Jun 29, 2021   (1 reaction) I understand why @AnandGupta repeated this "wish"; I'd say it makes sense. Wish B4XTable1 - Visible property - LucaMs (first post)    May 15, 2024 I wrote this "Wish" for his sake, because I know that he never has anything to do and is bored ? Wish Yet another wish.... Attach custom Properties to views... - LucaMs (first post)    Jan 05, 2024 I know this is a "Wish" and Erel will respond if he sees fit, but I'll try to suggest something that perhaps you will find useful.
You could put a Map in the View Tag; you also create a constant for each key in the Map.
This way you could have:
If Label1.Tag.As(Map).Get(C_MY_CONSTANT) = Something Wish Static / Persistent local variables - LucaMs (first post)    Nov 08, 2022 It wasn't necessary. Erel is perfectly familiar with static local variables, I certainly didn't have to explain anything or argue more.
Once created that "wish", he made his own decisions, as he specified in that more general and fundamental post.
Continuing to write in this thread is a waste of ti Wish Resources manager "MS VS style" - LucaMs    Jul 13, 2016   (1 reaction) I have just read this thread:
It is useful but not as much as this, which you certainly know:
(or as my wonderful tool, for which you can see the link in my signature, of course :D)
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