B4J Question [ JServer] Timer is Async ? - LucaMs (first post)    Nov 23, 2020   (1 reaction) If it's a turn-based game, why have a time for each player? You should have a timer for each room, to be activated every time you pass the turn, or not? Games B4J web server for multiplayer turn-based games - LucaMs    Nov 03, 2016   (1 reaction) First of all I'm writing this post to beat @ilan on timing :p
I would like to have a kind of template (basic design) to create B4J web server for multiplayer turn-based games.
For example, what can be the best structure for messaging, including any confirmations to be received by clients.
I write B4J Tutorial [IoT] MQTT Protocol - LucaMs (first post)    Oct 21, 2015   (2 reactions) (Technology should stop, I start to be too old for all these news :D:(:)) I'm thinking if this MQTT can be useful (more useful) for my project (multiplayer turn based game). 1) "The server (message broker) is already implemented for us." It should be an advantage but you need to change most logic B4A Library Google Play Game Services - LucaMs (first post)    Dec 13, 2016 Yes, I'm referring only to turn based games (selfishness, because it is what interests me :)).
I read too much (and I produce too little :(). I read this phrase (P2P) in an article that was not published by Google but by an independent author who wrote about this argument. B4A Question B4XPages runs in background but ... ! - LucaMs (first post)    Sep 08, 2020 Just a "curiosity"... I'm running some tests. Great advantage, as I have already written, the fact that an app also still run in background, especially in my case, a turn-based game, so if I, after making my move, send the app in background, the websocket continues to receive data and the game cont Games i would like to make a multiplayer game, any ideas? - LucaMs (first post)    Dec 15, 2016 if the game requires less time for each move and the user has a slow connection, you throw him out and he curses you :).
the server must "have the power", otherwise if someone (hacker) changes the client...
Anyway, try to develop a multiplayer turn based card game (b4j websocket server + b4a clie B4J Question MQTT vs Websockets - LucaMs    Nov 12, 2016 I hope some of you have already worked on both and have a general idea of the differences between them.
Currently (for centuries) I'm trying to develop an online multiplayer turn-based game.
I know MQTT not so much, but I can not see great advantages in using it instead of WebSockets.
The only ad Other How to handle websocket game status and delays - LucaMs    Aug 01, 2016 Sorry, I don't know how to explain well what I mean.
I'm trying to develop e websocket client-server turn based game using b4j + b4a.
Let's say PlayerA does his "move"; this info should be sent to all other players; PlayerC does not receive this info because of delay on his connection but the game Italian Non solo Penelope - client/server per giochi multiplayer a turni online - LucaMs    Feb 16, 2018 Allora, dato che sono passati solo 4 anni dall'idea e dalle 100 versioni create, disfatte e ricreate, apro questo thread nella speranza che qualcuno abbia tempo e voglia di collaborare.
Non al mio progetto nello specifico, ma nel cercare la migliore soluzione possibile per la creazione di un'accopp Other B4A v6.00 has been released! - LucaMs (first post)    Jun 21, 2016   (1 reaction) Thanks @luisftv; however, I chose the worst time to say what I said. New in this version of B4A are important and timely, given that Google has given a major turning point, I think. But the substance remains; I think that our demands ("Wishes") have to be heard more; for example, say that increased Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |