B4A Library [B4X][B4XLib] B4XCheckInternetLM - LucaMs    Aug 22, 2021   (24 reactions) Very simple cross-platform library to test if an Internet connection is active. It has only one method, Check: Public CheckInternet As B4XCheckInternetLM Wait For (CheckInternet.Check(True)) Complete(Result As Boolean) If Result Then ' Else ' End If Set the DialogToo parameter to False if you ju B4A Question Sub isConnected() As Boolean not work Android 6.0 - Erel (first post)    Jan 24, 2016   (1 reaction) Why not use GetMyWifiIp? Though the best way (and the only reliable way) to test for an internet connection is: Sub Test Dim j As HttpJob j.Initialize("test internet", Me) j.Download("http://www.google.com") j.GetRequest.Timeout = 10000 End Sub Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob) If Job.J B4A Library Simple WIFI library Updated V. 3.07 09-05-2018 - bgsoft    Sep 05, 2018   (44 reactions) This only checks for connection to a phone network.
It does NOT test for Internet availability.
Returns True if 2G, 3G or 4G Data is connected or False if WIFI, WIMAX or no connection
ActiveNetworkTypeName As String
Returns the Type (0:MOBILE, 1:WIFI, 6:WIMAX, 7:BLUETOOTH, 9:ETHERNET, etc) of the B4A Library Simple WIFI library - HotShoe    Dec 17, 2016   (32 reactions) Example dim wifi as MLwifi wifi.EnableWifi(true) IpAddress As String Get IP address from the wifi interface) Returns address or empty string MACAddress As String Returns MAC address of the current interface Returns MAC address or empty string SSID As String Returns the current SSID WifiSignal As B4A Question Intermittent timeout using PostString - Peter Simpson (first post)    Apr 13, 2015   (1 reaction) Use MLWiFi to test for internet connection before doing anything else. If MLWiFi says there is an internet connection then process your HTTP request, if it says that it's not online then loop back and check again until it says that there is an internet connection. B4A Question Wait for Internet Connection - pliroforikos    Aug 18, 2021 Hello,
I am using the bellow function to test internet connection and works ok
Public Sub testInternet(url as String) As ResumableSub
Dim result As Boolean = False
Dim Job As HttpJob
Job.Initialize("Job", Me)
Log ("Sending job")
Wait For(J B4A Code Snippet check internet connection - inakigarm (first post)    Nov 13, 2018   (1 reaction) I'm using this code also (changing google to my server IP) to test internet connection to my server Spanish [LIBRERIA] Simple WIFI library Updated V.3.07 05-09-2018 - bgsoft    Sep 05, 2018   (9 reactions) This only checks for connection to a phone network. It does NOT test for Internet availability. Returns True if 2G, 3G or 4G Data is connected or False if WIFI, WIMAX or no connection ActiveNetworkTypeName As String Returns the Type (0:MOBILE, 1:WIFI, 6:WIMAX, 7:BLUETOOTH, 9:ETHERNET, etc) of the c Other Checking for Internet connection - Erel (first post)    Oct 18, 2016   (1 reaction) 1. Test whether the device ip address is not (ServerSocket).
2. Try to connect to your server instead of google. B4A Question Check Internet connection - Peter Simpson (first post)    Feb 12, 2015   (1 reaction) I used to use the method @wonder but lately I've switched to using the MLWiFi library as that allows me to test for all internet full stop, or just WiFi internet.
I still use the in some apps, but these days I personally prefer using MLWiFi to test if there's an internet connect Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |