B4A Question WebkitWebView ReceivedError - Ivica Golubovic (first post)    Feb 12, 2024 Use UltimateWebView2 library instead, it is newer and stable...... B4J Question webview and ReceivedError event - Erel (first post)    Feb 26, 2015 Seems like it is not possible. You can use HttpUtils2 to download the link and if it is fine load it to the WebView.... B4A Library UltimateWebView Custom View - Ivica Golubovic    Jan 1, 2024   (54 reactions) As Float, NewScale As Float)
End Sub
Private Sub UltimateWebView1_ReceivedError (WebResourceRequest1 As WebResourceRequest, WebResourceError1 As WebResourceError)
End Sub
Private Sub UltimateWebView1_ReceivedHttpError... B4A Question Disable net::errors on webview - Erel (first post)    Dec 4, 2022   (1 reaction) You need to use WebViewExtras and handle the ReceivedError event: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/webview-detect-page-not-found.29764/#post-214624... B4A Question error webview - jkhazraji (first post)    Nov 2, 2022 1- Check if there is internet connection before displaying the webview.. 2- The Webview could be invisible.. 3- Use: WebViewExtras to see the error description and faulty URL WebViewClient raises the event ReceivedError (ErrorCode As Int, Description As String, FailingUrl As String).... B4A Question [SOLVED] WebviewExtras2 newbe question - Ivica Golubovic (first post)    Nov 18, 2021 Okay, you may need to enable some option in WebViewSettings. Try to catch the error via the ReceivedError or ReceivedHttpError event. In essence, it is difficult to come to a conclusion without a practical example. If you need any help you can contact me at any time.... B4A Question Prevent WebView from displaying “web page not available” - Brandsum (first post)    Oct 6, 2019 Use webviewextra and check for ReceivedError event. On error show your custom html page... B4A Question Debug JavaScript in WebView - Erel (first post)    Oct 31, 2018 Try to handle the ReceivedError event with WebViewExtras2 library. There are no built-in debugging tools for WebView.... B4A Question How to Hide any WebView error? - warwound (first post)    Sep 10, 2015 My WebViewExtras never fires any Event, do you know why ?
Sub WebViewExtras1_ReceivedError
should be named
Sub WebViewClient1_ReceivedError
Martin... B4i Question b4i WebView in IOS Simulator can access only limeted number pages on internet - bdobaj    Jan 31, 2021 I'm running IOS simulator on macbook, but WebView can acces only local pages and only few internet pages - not all. Is this limitation of Simulator or I'm doing something wrong? Is it possible to catch WebView errorCode like in b4a with WebViewExtrax2 library Sub WebViewClient1_ReceivedError(ErrorCode As Int, Description As String, FailingUrl As String) WebView1.LoadHtml(CustomWebviewError.GetErrorPageHtml(Description)) End Sub Bojan... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |