B4A Library [B4X] B4XThreeState - B4XView - LucaMs    Jan 20, 2024   (13 reactions) I needed something similar to StateListDrawable B4A but cross-platform (B4X). Since I was in a hurry, I settled for developing it just for the images. Obviously you can replace the 3 images (for the 3 states: ENABLED, DISABLED, PRESSED) via properties. Events: Click and LongClick. 149824 I don' B4A Question How to modify Drawable properies of a command button? - klaus (first post)    Oct 15, 2021   (2 reactions) You cannot apply it directly to a B4XView.
You need to do it on the B4A button.
StateListDrawable is Android, therefor B4A specific.
You could do it like this:
#If B4A
Private cdwGreenColorEnabled As ColorDrawable
' Define a color for Pe B4A Question Button pressed property - LucaMs (first post)    Feb 22, 2022   (1 reaction) I agree about RadioButtons. Note that if you set the color of a Button, it loses its original shape. If the project is B4A only, you could use StateListDrawable. Without using Tags, it is useful to use a variable of type Button (if you do not use B4XView) declared at module level, which you will u B4A Question [Solved] StateListDrawable with B4XPages - Gavin (first post)    Jul 21, 2024 Ok, I think I got It,
In order for the StateListDrawable to work, to put it in Layman's terms, the StateListDrawable must be the "Last Instructions" you give the View before using the View.
If you do something as simple as, say, changing the Text Size, then you must "Reinstate"(for want of a better B4A Question Color priority - klaus (first post)    Apr 23, 2020   (2 reactions) You should have a look at StateListDrawable! Or HERE. Share My Creation Phone Info - NJDude (first post)    Apr 22, 2015   (4 reactions) That's a StateListDrawable button. B4A Question (Solved) Button movement before clicking - zed (first post)    Jan 08, 2024   (2 reactions) I was a little wrong. Css is for B4J. You must use StateListDrawable https://www.b4x.-example.6589/#content Example: Sub FormatButtons(P as Panel) 'P = The panel with the buttons Dim Focused, NotFocused As ColorDrawable Focused.Initialize(Colors.Blue, 0dip) NotFocused.Initialize(Colors B4A Question [SOLVED] StateListDrawable on 2 buttons - DonManfred (first post)    May 15, 2021   (1 reaction) Do not reuse a drawable.
Create a new crawable for each button. Italian Timer in modulo di servizio - LucaMs (first post)    Feb 12, 2016   (1 reaction) Per motivi legati proprio al progetto? Altrimenti dovresti usare StateListDrawable (se vuoi che cambi quando viene premuto): Public Sub ButtonSetStateListDrawable(btnBitmap As Button, EnabledBitmap As Bitmap, PressedBitmap As Bitmap, DisabledBitmap As Bitmap) ' Define a bitmap for Enabled stat B4A Question [Solved] Button corner radius reset to 0 when change color - aeric (first post)    Feb 18, 2019   (1 reaction) I have used the StateListDrawable in designer but when I change the colour with code, the corner reset to 0.
The StateListDrawable only have Enabled, Disabled and Pressed Drawable. I want the button change colour.
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