B4A Tutorial [B4X] AsyncStreams Tutorial - Erel    Feb 22, 2018   (9 reactions) New video tutorial:
AsyncStreams allows you to read data from an InputStream and write data to an OutputStream without blocking your program. The reading and writing are done with two separate threads.
When new data is available the NewData event is raised with the data.
When you write B4A Question AsyncStreams - Erel (first post)    May 23, 2023 It is part of RandomAccessFile library.
Make sure NOT to use prefix mode with your VB.Net app.
Tip: start with this example: Network + AsyncStreams + B4XSerializator B4A Tutorial [B4X] The Networker's Guide To The Galaxy - Erel    Jul 14, 2016   (32 reactions) cgxWP4Wu77s The purpose of this tutorial is to cover the various communication options available for B4X developers. Will start with two important utilities: AsyncStreams: Asynchronously reads and writes to any stream and avoids blocking the main thread. Do not assume that messages will arrive as B4A Question COMUNICATION USB FTDI - Erel (first post)    Jun 07, 2015   (1 reaction) Please use code here... tags when posting code. AsyncStreams (in non-prefix mode) returns the data exactly as it returned from the native code. I'm not sure that I understand your code. Use the debugger and check the values of buffer before you do anything else with the data. B4J Question is my b4j tcp server is a Threadsafe ? - Erel (first post)    May 20, 2020   (1 reaction) It doesn't matter. Your code always runs on the main thread. Make sure that nothing in your code runs slow and everything will work. AsyncStreams takes care of managing the network communication using background threads. B4i Question AsyncStreams when it finishes transmitting data - Star-Dust    Mar 09, 2021 AsyncStreams is an asynchronous method and does not block the main thread.
But is it possible to know when it finishes transmitting data with aSyncStream.Write (Data)?
I better formulate the question, when does it go to the next instruction has it finished sending or does it continue while sending B4R Question Example code from C to B4R - Erel (first post)    May 08, 2016   (1 reaction) If you are only writing then there is no difference. AsyncStreams takes care of checking whether there is new data and raises the NewData event when the data is available.
AsyncStreams also raises the Disconnected event if the connection breaks. However it will never happen with serial ports. French Comprendre et vérifier "AsyncStreams is initialized in prefix mode" - klaus (first post)    Mar 22, 2022 J'ai peu d'expérience dans ce domaine, mais je me suis amusé avec Arduino pour écrire la documentation pour B4R.
Dans B4A, pour AsynchStreams il y a deux méthodes d'initialisation:
AsynchStreams.Initialize (In As InputStream, Out As OutputStream, EventName As String)
AsynchStreams.InitializePrefix ( B4R Tutorial AsyncStreams Prefix Mode - Erel    Feb 26, 2017   (10 reactions) rRandomAccessFile v1.80 adds support for AsyncStreams in prefix mode. All B4X development tools use AsyncStreams for network communication and now all of them support prefix mode (https://www.b4x.-tutorial.7669/#content). In prefix mode a 4 bytes header is added to each message with the message len B4J Question Receiving Data in Background - teddybear (first post)    Feb 11, 2023 The AsyncStreams reading and writing are done with two separate threads. it works in the background.
I think the problem is how you handle the incoming data rather than manage it to background. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |