B4A Library SD: BT Printer Bluetooth - Star-Dust    Oct 16, 2024   (37 reactions) Printer.SetCodePage(06) for umlauts char
Write (Text As String) As String
Write (Print) a Text
Write_ArrayByte (B As Byte()) As String
Write (Send to Printer) a Array of Byte
eg. PrinterBLE.Write_ArrayByte(Array As Byte(0x1D,150,23))
eg. PrinterBLE.Write_ArrayByte("Text".GetBytes("UTF8"))
WriteB B4A Question MAC address Android 6 - Arf (first post)    Oct 21, 2016 Mmm, I got a list of network adaptors and the bluetooth one is not in there, so I guess there really is no way to get the bluetooth MAC.
I am debating working on the assumption that the bluetooth MAC is (wlan0_MAC - 1), seems true for all my devices, but risky I'm sure. B4i Question Bluetooth in MacBook M1 vs iPhone/iPad - Arnaud    Sep 11, 2024 Hello, I use B4i to developp APP for iPhone/iPad with success. For my app, I use the Bluetooth BLE. Apple says that these APP seem to be compatible with MacBook M1. When I try on Macbook, the graphism, button, label etc works fine but not the Bluetooth. Is the Bluetooth in Macbook M1 different of B4A Question Own Bluetooth Mac Address - Mark Ryan Penafiel    Mar 25, 2020 In the Bluetooth admin example there is code you scan available Bluetooth and Connect to Mac address
Public Sub ConnectTo (Device As NameAndMac)
End Sub
is the Device.Mac, the mac address of bluetooth or the phone? is this unique? and how can i know the my own devic Italian Bluetooth con B4A - lelelor    Apr 10, 2024 devo collegarmi ad una periferica bluetooth di cui so nome e indirizzo MAC e vorrei farlo direttamente senza passare dalla scansione delle periferiche è possibile?
uso bluetoothmanager
Grazie mille B4A Question Wrong BT MAC address with Serial on Android 6 - FrankBerra (first post)    Jun 11, 2016   (1 reaction) In android 6+ you can't get your own Bluetooth MAC but you are still able to scan for surrounding BT adapters and connect to them B4A Question Bluetooth Automatic Pair - JoanRPM (first post)    Jan 21, 2015 You need to know the MAC or the name of the Bluetooth: Serial1.Connect("98:76:B6:00:42:34") ' mac address from serial1.GetPairedDevices() Serial1.Connect(PairedDevices.Get("DeviceName")) 'convert the name to mac address See this example: https://www.b4x.-arduino-and-htc-one.45347/#content Regard Spanish [Solucionado] Bluetooth perdido por alejamiento del dispositivo a la impresora - TILogistic (first post)    Jun 24, 2021   (1 reaction) he revisado tu app. y veo que utilizas la misma lógica que en los demos que sean posteado en el foro.
1. BluetoothAdmin controla el estado del Bluetooth
2. Serial se conecta a la MAC del dispositivo que se selecciono del Bluetooth.
Primero hacer lo siguiente:
selecciona la impresora y guarda Nombr B4A Question Imei Number - khwarizmi (first post)    Jan 08, 2017 is the Bluetooth mac address, or the WiFi mac address, a constant unique value? B4A Question Can I connect to Virtual Bluetooth Printer with UUID only? - lkching7    Feb 26, 2024 Virtual Bluetooth Printer Mac Address is : 00:00:00:00:00:01, mean the virtual Bluetooth printer don't have MAC Address. In Android Studio, we will connect it by using UUID : 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB In B4X, I can't find any way to connect it with UUID only, I only able to connect with Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |