B4A Question BluetoothAdmin does not work on Android 13 - Brian Dean (first post)    Nov 17, 2022   (1 reaction) Dont worry, BluetoothAdmin does work on Android 13 - I am using it myself right now. I would like to help you more but I have no idea of what you are trying to accomplish. The Bluetooth chat example is a useful example but it illustrates a specific mode of communication - in this case between two 'p B4A Tutorial Android Bluetooth / BluetoothAdmin Tutorial - Erel    Aug 31, 2020   (17 reactions) The second button sends an intent to the OS to make the device discoverable and then calls Serial.Listen.
Once a connection is established:
1. AsyncStreams is initialized in prefix mode (see the AsyncStreams tutorial for more information).
2. The ChatActivity is started.
https://www.b4x.com/basic4 B4A Tutorial [B4XPages] Bluetooth Chat Example - Erel    Jun 22, 2023   (24 reactions) 95662
Updated implementation, based on B4XPages of https://www.b4x.-bluetooth-bluetoothadmin-tutorial.14768/#content.
The code is much simpler compared to the previous example.
Note that you can call Serial.Listen without making the device discoverable. This is useful for cases where the devices w B4A Tutorial [B4X] [B4XPages] What exactly does it solve? - Erel    Jul 22, 2020   (49 reactions) You can see how the Bluetooth chat example became much simpler Old: https://www.b4x.-bluetooth-bluetoothadmin-tutorial.14768/#content New: https://www.b4x.-bluetooth-chat-example.119014/#content With that said, no one is forced to switch to B4XPages. Everything will continue to work exactly as bef B4A Question libraries - Erel (first post)    Jul 07, 2019   (4 reactions) Moved to the questions forum.
The reason that you don't find the BluetoothAdmin library is that there is no such library.
1. Search for the type name: Bluetoothadmin
2. Follow the very first link. It will take you to the library documentation: https://www.b4x.com/android/help/serial.html#bluetooth B4A Question Bluetooh device found being called several times - JTmartins (first post)    Jan 06, 2016   (1 reaction) *** SOLVED ****
Private BtAdmin As BluetoothAdmin, has to be defined in Process_Globals, otherwise it will be instantied every time the search activity starts...I don't know how I've missed that. Spanish [Solucionado] Bluetooth perdido por alejamiento del dispositivo a la impresora - TILogistic (first post)    Jun 25, 2021   (1 reaction) Yo tome este ejemplo y modifique la clase BluetoothManager para mis proyectos de impresión.
https://www.b4x.-bluetooth-bluetoothadmin-tutorial.14768/#content B4A Question BluetoothAdmin - finds the same device many times - Erel (first post)    Mar 12, 2017 Make sure that BluetoothAdmin is only initialized once. If this is the case then you can use a Map to remove duplicate devices. B4A Question BluetoothAdmin - Connection closed after each sent message - ernschd (first post)    Feb 22, 2019 AsyncStreams is not in prefix mode.
I'm using python because I'm familiar with it (more or less). With B4J I would first have to learn how to run a program as a service. B4A Question BluetoothAdmin Disable return value - Erel (first post)    Mar 11, 2015   (1 reaction) It is a mistake in the documentation. I fixed it.
Note that you can use IsEnabled to get the current state. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |