B4A Class [B4X] CallSubPlus - CallSub with explicit delay - Erel    Nov 30, 2015   (26 reactions) In many cases you need to run a task in a few seconds. The solution for such cases is to create a timer and then execute the task in the timer's Tick event. This is good for a single task. However if you need to run multiple tasks then it becomes difficult to maintain. This small class makes it much simpler. You just need to call CallSubPlus with the target sub and the delay. Internally it uses a (one shot) timer together with CallSubDelayed or CallSub. There are four methods: CallSubPlus... B4J Question b4j.CallSub problem - jkhazraji    Oct 6, 2023 msg ='Hello world '+count;
b4j.CallSub('show_msg', msg...
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public static class Bridge{
public static void CallSub(String... B4A Question [B4X] Resumable Sub, CustomClass Eventi and CallSub - Star-Dust    Mar 3, 2021 Could an event called by a class be a sub Resumable? For example Sub Class_Event as ResumableSub Return True End Sub And could the class invoke the event and wait for completion? Something like this 'Call Event If SubExist(mCallBack,MEvent & "_Event") then Wait for (CallSub(mCallBack,MEvent & "_Event")) Complete (Success As Boolean) End If... B4A Code Snippet [XUI][Custom Views] Create Event Name for CallSub - LWGShane    Dec 22, 2022   (3 reactions) Just a simple method that makes creating event names for CallSub easier. Useful for Custom Views.
Private Sub CreateEventName (SubName As String) As String
Return $"${mEventName}_${SubName}"$
End Sub
To use:
CallSub(mCallBack, CreateEventName("YourEvent"))
... Wish Unlimited number of arguments when using CallSub/CallSubDelayed - LucaMs    Jul 1, 2019 ) I don't know if creating a CallSubDelayed4 (and CallSub4) that allows you to send... B4J Question unable to initialize objects by CallSub - Alessandro71    Sep 11, 2024 CallSub
here is a minimal proof-of-concept (useless) code
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
Dim o1... As Object In a
CallSub(o, "Initialize")
End Sub
This code throws....NullPointerException
at anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.CallSub4(Common.java:522)
at anywheresoftware... Italian CallSub e CallSub2 - Fulvio75    May 23, 2023 Ciao a tutti, ho notato che se da un modulo di classe A chiamo una Sub in un modulo di codice B con CallSub(B,"NomeSub") quando compila mi da errore, se invece utilizzo CallSub per chiamare...?
shell\src\xxx\software\gau\a_subs_0.java:513: error: cannot find symbol
a.__c... Italian Chiamata CallSub2 - Fulvio75    Nov 30, 2023 Ciao, ho un problema con il CallSub2 durante la compilazione che va in errore perchè?
ModuloA è un... la sub chiamata deve interpretare
CallSub2(ModuloA,"Get_" & Codice & "_... B4A Question Name Sub in CallSub2 - Sergey_New    Jul 18, 2023 I need to execute in Activity from a subroutine:
Everything works correctly.
But if delChild is passed through a variable:
Private SubObj As String="delChild"
CallSub2(CallBack,SubObj ,id)
Sub 'delChild' is not used. (warning #12... B4i Code Snippet CallSub with ANY number of parameters - narek adonts    Mar 9, 2019   (1 reaction) Sub CallSubX (Component As Object,SubName As String,Params() As Object) Dim no As NativeObject=Component Dim name As String=SubName Dim ll As List ll.Initialize2(Params) For i =0 To Params.Length-1 name=name & ":" Next no.GetField("bi").RunMethod("raiseUIEvent:event:params:",Array(Null,name,ll)) End Sub Example usage Cal... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |