Share My Creation COMPASS ULTIMATE - BlueVision    Nov 24, 2024   (17 reactions) Yet another compass application? Well, Yes and No. The idea behind COMPASS ULTIMATE is to combine the possibilities of today's technology of a modern smart phone with an old-fashioned compass. The goal is to use all available offline information to give the user as much independence as possible from B4R Code Snippet Compass - magnet sensor group xxx5883 - peacemaker    Nov 25, 2023   (4 reactions) } if(compass.isVCM()) { Serial.println("Initialize VCM5883L"); compass.setMeasurementMode(VCM5883L_CONTINOUS); compass.setDataRate(VCM5883L_DATARATE_200HZ); return returnvalue_compass.wrapNumber(3); } } void read_compass (B4R::Object* o) { //float declinationAngle = (4 Share My Creation Compass GM a gyro-magnetic compass app featuring true and magnetic heading - PhilN    Oct 26, 2020   (31 reactions) When the user selects night mode, the activity is recreated and all the images are loaded normally as bitmaps and then image processed with the tint applied. When the user again selects day mode, the activity is recreated again but without any image processing. Buttons had to be dealt with in a slig B4A Example Compass: TRUE HEADING & Magnetic Declination. - T201016    Jul 14, 2021   (4 reactions) I am presenting a test project - Compass. Post #1 - displays TRUE HEADING with local magnetic declination. Tested in parallel with the application AndroiTS GPS Test v.1.48 Free page: B4A Question Orientation - On Android 6 it works, on Android 11 it doesn't - agraham (first post)    Sep 12, 2022 A compass indicates the direction of the earth magnetic field. A compass needle is a magnet. Smartphones use a three-axis magnetometer Hall effect sensor to detect magnetic fields. B4A Question The 100,000+ Downloads Club - PhilN (first post)    Jan 02, 2023   (8 reactions) I am glad to announce that Compass GM reached 100'000+ downloads recently. Here is the Google Play link. It shows magnetic and true heading and uses your devices gyro to improve rate of rotation without losing accuracy. Give it a try!
It's free and has no ads. It was published in July 2020 but was B4A Question Johan Schoemann's Simple Compass - Johan Schoeman (first post)    Apr 16, 2023   (1 reaction) Check with Andi (@BlueVision). He is a compass master. The project you are referring to is so old that it is really not worth while using it. B4A Tutorial [B4X] B4XImageView - ImageView + resize modes - Erel    Aug 19, 2020   (27 reactions) B4XImageView is a new custom view, added to XUI Views v2.40. It adds several useful resize modes to the standard ImageView: 98780 (Images source: https://www.b4x.-gm-a-gyro-magnetic-compass-app-featuring-true-and-magnetic-heading.121239/ B4A Question how to define a new type as a list of words? TYPE tHeading = (N, E, S, W) - aeric (first post)    Jan 20, 2024   (3 reactions) You need to Dim a new variable everytime you want to instantiated as a new object.
Dim Courses As List
Dim Compass As CompassValue
Compass.Dir = "N"
Compass.Deg = 100
Compass.Dist = 2000
Dim Comp B4A Library [B4X] [XUI Views] - AMCompassView - AmirMK82    Aug 22, 2021   (21 reactions) A new CompassView for B4A & B4J Features Cross-platform compatible A nice gauge animation Changeable values Custom Colors Custom Border And CornerRadius Will Give you a good experience ;) Tested in B4A B4J * I don't have tested it with B4I, but it should work * I made this with the help of the Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |