B4A Question Load Image From Server To ImageView - taylorw    Jul 22, 2017 Hi all,now i using a customlistview and i need to load image to imageview from my server.
But i try using this code,but it seen like can't load image to the right imageview.
Sub Display_Image
Dim links As Map
If Load_Last_Image_Index < ListView_Order.GetSize Then
For i = Load_Las B4J Code Snippet Sharing the goodness: Useful methods - Mashiane (first post)    Sep 05, 2016   (3 reactions) 'Description: Load image to webview and fill area 'Tag: webview, load image Sub ImageFileToWebView(webView As WebView, dir As String, fn As String) webView.LoadHtml("<html><body><img src='file:///" & dir & "/" & fn & "' width=100% height=100%/></body></html>") End Sub B4J Question load image and put it into imageview? - jmon (first post)    Jun 18, 2015   (3 reactions) It's simple:
Dim SelectImg As FileChooser
SelectImg.SetExtensionFilter("Image", "*.jpg")
SelectImg.Title = "Change your photo"
FileImg = SelectImg.ShowOpen(Main.MainForm)
If FileImg <> "" Then
iv.SetImage(fx.LoadImageSample(File.GetFileParent(FileImg), File.GetName(File B4J Question B4J Load large image into ImageView - js486dog (first post)    Jul 11, 2020 Thanks for answer.
This one works fine. Image is loaded into ImageView1.
Dim bmp As Image = fx.LoadImageSample(directory,fileName,300,200)
But this one does not work. Image is not loaded into ImageView1.
Dim bmp As Image = fx.LoadImageSample(directory,fileName,7800,7400) B4A Library [B4X] BitmapsAsync - Erel    Feb 28, 2023   (30 reactions) If the image size is larger than MaxWidth or MaxHeight then the image will be downsampled, similar to LoadBitmapSample (not LoadBitmapResize). The best way to work with such images is by setting the ImageView gravity to Fill and resizing the ImageView based on the bitmap size. See the attached examp B4A Question Proper way to download and lazy load images in CustomListView - Ferdari    Apr 26, 2020 AddBtn.Tag=cd.Filename
End If
'ImageView1.Bitmap=LoadBitmapResize(File.DirInternalCache,cd.BitmapFile,ImageView B4A Question download the image and resize them - JohnC (first post)    May 19, 2021   (1 reaction) You are not calling the "LoadBitmapResize" routine properly.
You would need to first save the image in the imageview to a file, then you can use the LoadBitmapResize to load the image in from the file and return a different size bitmap.
See this tutorial for more info:
https://www.b4x.-loadbitmap B4A Question Upload photos from the gallery and display in ImageView - Addo (first post)    Jun 11, 2018   (1 reaction) Using content chooser to hold the image path then load it to imageview in the xclv but you do this one by one B4A Library [B4X] HugeImageView - show very large images - Erel    Jun 06, 2022   (38 reactions) Q: I want to load a 10,000 x 10,000 image? A: That's impossible!!! The memory required is: width * height * 4 = 400MB. A: You will need to scale down the image. A: Sure. Use HugeImageView: 579719086 (image source: https://images4.alphacoders.com/655/655004.jpg) How does it work? It uses two laye B4A Question Load pictures into ImageView on the designer - parijs    Jun 11, 2016 Hi i try to load pictures into ImageView on the designer "ImageView1, ImageView2" but the are empty.
Sub paneel1
For i = 1 To 2
Dim ImageView1, ImageView2 , ImageView3 As ImageView
Dim ImageViews() As ImageView
ImageViews = Array As ImageView(ImageView1, ImageView2, Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |