B4A Question B4XFormatter Library and MaskedEditText Library - Theera    Nov 6, 2023 Refer to MaskEditText Example, Is there way to use B4XFormatter instead of MasedEditText?... B4A Question [MaskedEditText] Get EditText View - Blueforcer    Sep 9, 2021 Im using custom keyboards with https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/customkeyboard-library.48953/#content. I also want to use MaskedEditText. The problem is that the CustomKeyboard needs to be registered with an EditText. Unfortunally this are 2 complete different types wich doesnt work of course. I dont know how the customview MaskedEditText is build, but if there is also a EditText inside is it possible to get this one? Right now there is no mBase to gets the views from.... B4A Question MaskedEditText view focus not going where expected - rleiman    Feb 14, 2016 Hi Everyone, I'm using the masked MaskedEditText view and have sever of those views on a panel. Some of them are laid out like this: Address1 Address2 City State Zip I'm trying to force focus onto a particular MaskedEditText view..., I can tap other MaskedEditText views and the 2nd flashing cursor still flashes in "Address2"... MaskedEditText view. It's like "Address2" becomes disabled somehow unless I exit from... B4A Question Issue with setting selectionStart in maskededittext - Erel (first post)    Aug 3, 2021 I'm not familiar with this library implementation, but the native stack trace suggests that there is a call somewhere to DoEvents... Bug? Display Issue with MaskedEditText - Erel (first post)    Jan 13, 2020 Better to post it in the library thread.... B4A Question Loanding an Activity with MaskedEditText, ResquestFocus - infow (first post)    Nov 24, 2016 Worked. Really tried the manifest line above, but there is something else wrong in the code and trie... B4A Question MaskedEditText - Unexpected event (missing RaiseSynchronousEvents) - Informatix (first post)    Apr 11, 2016   (1 reaction)
I'm getting an error when I'm changing the text of a MaskedEditText from within the _TextChanged function, or from within the _EnterPressed function.
Unexpected event (missing... B4A Question Keyboard not shows - h4an (first post)    Oct 26, 2023
Which panel is the MaskedEditText on? and which sub your code is in?
Try to add sleep(0) before IME.ShowKeyboard(txtChange).
The MaskedEditText is on panel pnlChange, the code is in B4XTable_CellLongClicked (ColumnId As String, RowId As Long) after a xui.Msgbox2Async question on xui... B4A Question lock text in EditText or AutoCompleteEditText - Erel (first post)    Oct 3, 2019   (1 reaction) I was referring to MaskedEditText. CLV.AddText is less useful if the text changes. https://www.b4x.com/search?query=MaskedEditText... B4A Question Problem with AnotherDatePicker - RVP (first post)    Jan 14, 2020 ADP is good now, MaskedEditText has the same issue even if added thru designer.... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   |