B4A Library [B4X] B4XPreferencesDialog - Cross platform forms - Erel    
Nov 12, 2021   
(51 reactions)https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/SS-2019-04-10_17.33.40.png
B4XPreferencesDialog makes it easy to create dialogs with all kinds of input fields.
The main steps required to use these dialogs are:
1. Define the list of fields. The recommended way to do it is with Forms Builder to
link: V1.62 - Fixes an issue in B4A where the dialog can scroll to one of the text fields after returning from an inner dialog.
link: V1.74 - Several bug fixes. New BeforeDialogDisplayed event that allows customizing the dialogs buttons. New DefaultHintFont and DefaultHintLargeSize f
B4A Library SD: Dialogs - Star-Dust    
Jun 01, 2019   
(17 reactions)You can add parameters to this method if needed.
setdate (DayOfMounth As Int, Mounth As Int, Year As Int) As String
show (Title As String, Positive As String, Cancel As String, Negative As String) As String
cancel As Int
input_type_decimal_number As Int
input_type_email As Int
link: DoEventWaitResponse is present on all classes and is modal.
Alternatively, you can use the NameEvent_Response event to capture the response event (not
link: Thanks for help, suggestions, explanations, and encouragement received by other developers:
@LucaMs, @Johan Schoeman, @moster67, @stevel05, @sirjo66,
link: Hi,
Great library!!
Date picker:
- I think you have a problem in the library when you select 31 of May and after press top left button to change t
B4A Library [B4X] XUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs - Erel    
Dec 12, 2023   
(82 reactions)311915599
XUI Views is a b4x library (https://www.b4x./#content). The same b4xlib library is compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J
It is a collection of custom views and dialogs. Everything is written in B4X. The source code is included inside the b4xlib file, which is a zip file.
- B4XRadioBu
link: V1.62 - Small update to B4i ListTemplate layout file.
A custom list of colors dialog added to the example:
link: V1.70 - New B4XTimedTemplate. This template wraps other templates and creates an auto-closing dialog:
See the "options /
link: V1.10 released with an input dialog:
It has an optional validation feature based
B4A Library Dialogs2 library - an update to the original Dialogs library - endbyte (first post)    
Aug 19, 2021   
(1 reaction)I already tried it and it looked great, options have come out to explore files in internal and external sd but no option replaces file dialog, it is the best, thank you very much now if everything looks as it should, dialogs2 one of the best dialog libraries that I have used, long life to b4a !!!
link: Note the separate download for an updated Dialogs2 class that fixes a bug in the original.
I wrote the original Dialogs library many moons ago and it
link: It's nothing to do with the DialogsDemo library as far as I can see. That file is produced by the compiler as part of the dexing process so something
link: Dear Agraham,
I try to launch joined DialogsDemo to test this library and i receive following error.
B4A Version : 11.50
Analyse du code. (0.01s)
B4A Library Material Dialogs - Make your dialogs nice - corwin42    
Mar 09, 2017   
(38 reactions)Using FileChooser, FolderChooser and ColorChooser dialogs:
These dialogs work a bit different than normal dialogs because the events must be handled directly by the activity.
First step is to extend the Activity from de.amberhome.materialdialogs.MaterialDialogsActivity. Then in Activity_Create initi
link: Hi Corwin,
I have been try the library, it's nice and work great.
Found a little bug at Folder dialog it show wrong folder name, when i select says
link: 1. Please use CODE Tags for code.
2. You don't need the dialog manager just for a progress dialog.
3. The progress dialog don't schow because your cod
link: Never mind.
Found that MaterialDialog is an instance of android.app.Dialog, so you cannot dismiss a dialog using it's Builder. You can only dismiss a
B4A Library [Class] File Explorer with visualization - Informatix    
Sep 17, 2018   
(28 reactions)Hi,
I created this class because I was frustrated by the File Dialog in the (great) Dialogs lib. With that class, you can customize everything (since you have the source code) and add new functions like rename, delete, create folder, etc.
Currently, the class can visualize picture and text files (o
link: Sorry but I have no time for this these days and I don't think that could work (no modal dialog in the explorer). Your best option is to display a pan
link: Could you explain? You can see in the demo that the back key closes the dialog by default.
link: Hello. I got the file names;
MsgboxAsync(dlgFileExpl.Selection.ChosenFile) = (file1; file2; file3).
How to add and split file names in a ListView? S
B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] B4XDialog - Custom dialogs - Erel    
Dec 19, 2021   
(21 reactions)Edit: B4XDialogs is part of XUI Views library. Use that instead: XUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs
B4XDialog class helps with creating cross platform custom dialogs. The dialog is made of a simple panel and it is therefore completely customizable.
Simple usage (change Activity w
link: V1.10 released with a few changes:
- Blurring of the background. This is an optional feature. It is enabled by default in B4A and B4J and disabled in
link: Do you have a running example in B4I?
link: Class removed from this thread. You should only use the latest version: XUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs
B4A Library [B4X] CLVItemToolbox - custom view. - LucaMs    
Mar 30, 2022   
(21 reactions)Updated to v. 1.31 03/30/2022
Fixed: ItemRemoved declaration correct.
Updated to v. 1.30
Added internal dialog (optional) to ask for confirmation of removal and many properties about this, included one to choose whether to use this dialog or not.
Added the CLVItemToolbox1_ItemRemoved (Value As Obje
link: Updated to v. 1.30
Added internal dalog to ask for confirmation of removal and many properties about this, included one to choose whether to use this
link: Done but not yet added to the B4Xlib (CLVItemToolbox, of course). "Unfortunately", the internal dialog will not be able to display a text relating to
link: Even more simply you could use the CLV events ItemClick or ItemLongClick and decide if these actions will be used to ask to remove the item or open a
B4A Library ElevateUI Improve the graphic interface of your b4a applications - fernando1987 (first post)    
Sep 12, 2024   
(1 reaction)t.Initialize("Timer1", 300)
' Initialize the dialog
DownloadDialog.Initialize(Activity, Me, "DownloadDialog")
' Set colors and design
DownloadDialog.Color = xui.Color_RGB(100, 150, 250) ' Light blue background
DownloadDialog.Title = "Database Download"
link: Hello, I understand your concern about the lack of detailed documentation for the suite of custom views. This is a common challenge with libraries tha
link: ? Elevate UI - Version 2 is Here! ?
I’m excited to announce Version 2 of Elevate UI, a library designed to help you create visually stunning interfac
link: 🚀 Elevate UI v4.5 is here! 🎉
We’re excited to announce the release of Elevate UI v4.5, featuring two powerful new improvements to make building custo
B4A Library BetterImageView - Informatix (first post)    
Oct 25, 2015   
(1 reaction)You have an alternative for the file dialog here.
link: Thank you - this worked ! ;)
Strangely the customdialog is working now and also filedialog (from dialog lib ) BUT the filedialog does only work in deb
link: Put your dialog code in another sub and call this sub with CallSubDelayed.
link: Hello,
meanwhile i realized that the problem is coming from a part that i did not mention in the code:
in the touch-event i open also a dialog windo
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