B4A Library [Lib] Masked EditText - Informatix (first post)    Apr 21, 2019 = maskededittext.text strX should be Null or "" because there was no user input. But I got strX... store the value of maskededittext fields with no user input in a database. Doing it now the returned... B4A Library Mask V1.0.0 - MaFu (first post)    Jul 13, 2015   (2 reactions) thank u
this is so simpler than MaskedEditText lib which is crated by informatix https://www... MaskedEditText.... B4A Library [Lib] BetterDialogs - MMORETTI964 (first post)    Oct 20, 2014 cannot be edited with the keyboard (and thus avoid opening it), use my MaskedEditText lib and set ReadOnly to true. You will only be able to set a new text programmatically.
I try to use MaskedEditText... B4A Library [Class] File Explorer with visualization - Informatix (first post)    Feb 4, 2014 Hi Informatix Is there a way to make the edittext accept a specific pattern (e.g. *.bmp), to make sure the name is correct for saving a file Kind regards Jakob The class does not include anything to check the extension, but you can easily add a test when the OK button is clicked. And much better: you could replace the EditText by a MaskedEditText, so you can filter what's typed when it is typed, or use a mask.... B4A Library Preferences - Material Design Preferences - johndb (first post)    Jan 22, 2017 flm.b4a.cache 16 flm.b4a.gesturedetector 32 flm.b4a.maskededittext 218 flm... Page: 1   |