B4A Library AES Encrypt/Decrypt (Encryption/Decryption) B4A and B4J library - Peter Simpson    Sep 22, 2020   (31 reactions) Released: 09/07/2019: 1.00
Author: Peter Simpson
Version: 1
InitializationVector As String
SecretKey As String
AESDecrypt (DecryptData As String) As String
Decrypt AES encoded data to plain string
AESEncrypt (EncryptData As String) As String
E B4A Library JdbcSQL - Directly connect to remote databases - Erel    Sep 17, 2017   (35 reactions) This is a port of B4J jSQL library.
The SQL type was renamed to JdbcSQL and ResultSet was renamed to JdbcResultSet, this allows using it together with the SQL library.
SQL library - local SQLite databases.
JdbcSQL - Any remote SQL database with a supported JDBC driver. MySQL and MS SQL are support B4A Library MSSQL with JDBC Library v1.00 - hf (first post)    Aug 04, 2017 MSSQL with JDBC Library v1.00
who have a jtds1.3.1 version?now is jtds1.2.5 B4A Library SQL Server Library - SNOUHyhQs2    Dec 04, 2017   (11 reactions) Insert/Update using ResultSet:
' open connection using different method
sql.OpenConnection1("", "DR_MANAGER", "sa", "systemadmin")
' inserting using resultset, call MoveToInsertRow, update the field value and call InsertRow
Dim res As MSSQLResultSet = sql.ExecuteQuery1("S B4A Library [Class] Flexible Table - Magma (first post)    Jul 12, 2017   (2 reactions) Sub MSQL_ExecResult(meta As Map)
End Sub
Sub MSQL_BatchResult(batch As Map)
End Sub
Sub MSQL_QueryResult(Data As List, meta As Map)
Dim m As Map = meta
'Dim r As List
Select Case m.Get("TaskID")
Case "show"
Dim cts(3) As String '3 a B4A Library ✨ Magic API Library: Transform Your MySQL Database into a REST API in Just 5 Minutes! ? - fernando1987 (first post)    Jun 21, 2023 Hello dear, it is a file written for php8 which allows you to transform any msql database into a json api only with the connection data of the database, it also comes with a library that will facilitate communication with the api... la liberia It is paid and the link will send you to the Liberia pur B4A Library AutoCompleteContactTextView V1.0.0 - Edgar Ricardo (first post)    Aug 22, 2015 How i can download the library MsMysql after of donate. B4A Library Yet Another MySQL Library But With Stored Procedure Support and Cursors - keirS    Mar 15, 2015   (5 reactions) 'Run the procedure
'proctest is the sub for general error capture reporting
Finally run the procedure. A general sub stub is used for error reporting. In this case "proctest_error".
Result sets are returned as memory backed Android cursors B4A Library ParsParticlesDrawable(ParticlesDrawable) - mshafiee110    Nov 26, 2019   (15 reactions) Hi ,it wraps this Github project.
Android Particles View.
Min API level 9.
I added to it touch event...
Q7qvmCMUN20 B4A Library MSShowTips - thedesolatesoul    Feb 27, 2015   (19 reactions) Based on: https://github.
This library is able to highlight or showcase views in your activity. This is extremely useful for on-boarding tutorials and explaining what things do.
Version: 0.9
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