B4A Library SD: SqliteExtra - Star-Dust    Nov 20, 2021   (20 reactions) PopolateListTwoLine("mysql.db","mytable","City","State","ID", "", ListView1,True) PopulateListTwoLineBitmap (FileNameDB As String, NameTable As String, FieldName As String, FieldSecondLine As String, FieldID As String, FieldBitmap As String, Condition As String, LV As ListView, CLearListView As Bool B4A Library AES Encrypt/Decrypt (Encryption/Decryption) B4A and B4J library - Peter Simpson    Sep 22, 2020   (31 reactions) Released: 09/07/2019: 1.00
Author: Peter Simpson
Version: 1
InitializationVector As String
SecretKey As String
AESDecrypt (DecryptData As String) As String
Decrypt AES encoded data to plain string
AESEncrypt (EncryptData As String) As String
E B4A Library ✨ Magic API Library: Transform Your MySQL Database into a REST API in Just 5 Minutes! ? - fernando1987    Jan 27, 2025   (13 reactions) ?Usage Instructions:
1. Upload the api.php file to your server.
2. Edit the header with your connection data.
3. You're ready to communicate your app with your mobile and desktop applications.
Note: The API works fine without the library, but the library will help you communicate more easily.
? E B4A Library Yet Another MySQL Library But With Stored Procedure Support and Cursors - keirS    Mar 15, 2015   (5 reactions) 'Run the procedure
'proctest is the sub for general error capture reporting
Finally run the procedure. A general sub stub is used for error reporting. In this case "proctest_error".
Result sets are returned as memory backed Android cursors B4A Library JdbcSQL - Directly connect to remote databases - Erel    Sep 17, 2017   (35 reactions) MySQL connector: https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-5.1.34.tar.gz
MS SQL: http://jtds.sourceforge.net/
As we are connecting to a remote database, all requests must be asynchronous. It is quite simple to make asynchronous requests with the resumable subs feature: S B4A Library DonManfreds Overview - DonManfred    Jul 06, 2020   (89 reactions) ProgressWheel
32. CircleTimerView
33. UniversalImageLoader
34. MSMySQL - Yet another MySQL-Library (but a FAST one :))
35. GoogleProgressBar
36. MaterialCircleProgress
37. UltimateServersControl
38. PDF-View - Show PDF files in your own app
39. Velocimeter
40. bcMaterial - a community Material wrap B4A Library Upload file with php - Spinter (first post)    Aug 24, 2015   (1 reaction) to upload an image in mysql you must use the library mysql
This library is used to upload images or files to a web server or web space B4A Library [Class] Flexible Table - vbmundo (first post)    May 26, 2016 No,
My Database is MySQL B4A Library Asynchronous MariaDB/MySQL Library - vbmundo (first post)    May 27, 2016   (1 reaction) You must add GRANT PERMISSIONS to your MySQL Database
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10236000/allow-all-remote-connections-mysql B4A Library [Moved] xImageSliderIG - d3vc (first post)    Sep 21, 2021 Thank you so much , Very interesting Library .
but i'm looking for how to load images (bloob) from mysql database . Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |