B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS BottomActionMenu - Alexander Stolte    Feb 24, 2024   (14 reactions) False,30,BottomActionMenu.TextColor),"") BottomActionMenu.AddItem("Stackoverflow",BottomActionMenu.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xF16C),False,30,BottomActionMenu.TextColor),"") BottomActionMenu.ShowPicker BottomActionMenu.Initialize(Me,"BottomActionMenu",Root) BottomActionMenu.AddItem("WhatsA B4A Library Social Share Library - hatzisn    Sep 06, 2020   (17 reactions) Fields:
Facebook As String
Twitter As String
Viber As String
FacebookMessenger As String
Instagram As String
Whatsapp As String
Skype As String
Choosechannel As String
IsInitialized As boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
Initialize (ba As anywheresoftware.b4a.BA) As B4A Library Animated SVG View - Johan Schoeman (first post)    Jun 15, 2016   (6 reactions) 477-0.098c0.42-22.442-0.421-44.91,0.438-67.333C203.175,101.384,209.943,83.493,223.22,71.227z"
'"M214.1 433.6V268.1h-43.8v-59.6h43.8v-50.9c0-40 25.8-76.7 85.4-76.7 24.1 0 41.9 2.3 41.9 2.3l-1.4 55.6s-18.2-.2-38-.2c-21.5 0-24.9 9.9-24.9 26.3v43.5h64.7L339 268h-61.8v165.5h-63.1z"
'twitt B4A Library Facebook - Extends FirebaseAuth to support Facebook - Brian Robinson (first post)    Jun 16, 2016   (1 reaction) That's Awesome... Is Twitter next? ;) B4A Library [Library] B4aGridView v3.80 - lonleystar    Jan 25, 2017   (36 reactions) app: name
ShareTextUrlTo (subject As String, text As String, message As String, shareTo As String)
Share any text to ?
ShowActionBarToShare (icons() As String)
Sets the icons on action bar
Dim icons() As String = Array As S B4A Library Firebase UI Auth - a new Dimension in Authentication - DonManfred    Apr 18, 2020   (31 reactions) This is a Wrap for the Firebase UI-bindings found at Github. It offers Authentification using - Google-Account (Tested) - email and password authentification (Tested) - Telephone-Authentification (Tested) - Twitter (Not tested as i do not have a Twitter-Dev Account) - Facebook (Not tested as i do n B4A Library AMTileView 1 - Mashiane (first post)    Feb 02, 2017   (1 reaction) AddMenuItem("google", "Google", "", "google.png", True)
rm.AddMenuItem("music", "Music", "", "music.png", True)
rm.AddMenuItem("direction", "Direction", "", "map.png", True)
rm.AddMenuItem("message", "Message", "300", "messaging.png", True)
rm.AddMenuItem("mindmap","Mind Map","","mi B4A Library somed3v3loper Overview - somed3v3loper    Apr 07, 2019   (19 reactions) 66955/ RichEditor view https://www.b4x.-view.66319/ docx4j Wrapper https://www.b4x.-wrapper.65421/ Muslim Prayer Time https://www.b4x.-prayer-time.61089/ BlinkTextView https://www.b4x.61009/ Hijri Converter (Gregorian to Hijri and vice versa) https://www.b4x.-converter-gregorian-to-hijri-and-vice-ve B4A Library MoPub Ad Server Library (Updated to v4.6.1 , 29 May 2016) - 20+ ad networks (AdMob , etc.) - Johnmcenroy    May 29, 2016   (14 reactions) 26535
Library (Updated to v4.6.1 , 29 May 2016)
MoPub Official Website
Google Play Policies
MoPub is the world largest mobile ad server (mediation platform) and RTB exchange (MoPub marketplace). Now it belongs to Twitter. It is the main competitor to AdMob , but MoPub primary focus is mediation of a B4A Library afollestad material-dialogs - Prosg (first post)    Jan 16, 2016 Hello i had the same problem that you describe and i fix it this way : In reality their is not bug... it's only if the event is not on the activity it's bugging Example : I had this to my activity sd1.Initialize("sd1") Dim items As List items.Initialize items.Add("Twitter") item Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |