B4J Tutorial [Server] Building web servers with B4J - Erel    Sep 1, 2021   (31 reactions)   tags: server, Erel / The server implementation is based on a popular and powerful Java server library named Jetty (license) The database connection pooling implementation is based on c3p0 (license). B4J Server features: High performance web server Automatic handling of static files Simple to develop custom... powerful database connections pooling Server can run on Windows, Mac and Linux (including board computers... servers then it is recommended to start with a HTTP tutorial such as this one: http://net.tutsplus.com... B4J Tutorial [server] Run a Server on a VPS - Erel    Nov 11, 2020   (19 reactions)   tags: B4J Run Server on VPS, Erel The steps required to run a B4J server on a hosted server (such as a VPS) are: 1. Download Java... with any additional files (www folder for example). 3. Start the server with: nohup path_to_java/bin.... You need to use nohup as otherwise the server will be killed when you log out. 4. Make sure that the relevant port is open in the firewall settings. 5. If you want to kill the server you can use... nohup.out To monitor the server logs. If you see an error related to the temporary folder then... B4J Tutorial [Server] SSL Connections - Erel    Jun 28, 2021   (15 reactions)   tags: B4J, ports SSL Starting from B4J v2.00 the server can listen to two ports, the standard insecure port (http) and a secure port (https). The default port for http is 80 and for https is 443. These ports are used...-and-certificates-JDK-keytool The server configuration is done with SslConfiguration object. This code should be called before the server is stared. Private Sub ConfigureSSL (SslPort As Int... object and set the path and passwords of the keystore file. Then we call Server.SetSslConfiguration... B4J Tutorial [server] jOkHttpUtils2 - server version - Erel    Jan 9, 2022   (9 reactions) platforms and configurations, except of B4J server solutions. Starting from jOkHttpUtils2 v2.95 it is possible to make it thread safe. This is done by following these steps: 1. Add the SERVER conditional....CreateThreadSafeMap. If you named your server object differently then you need to add such public global variable and assign it the server object. You should see this message in the logs when the first request is sent: OkHttpUtils2 - server mode! Relevant tutorial: Resumable Subs (wait for / sleep... B4J Tutorial [Server] Upload files from your B4A app to your B4J server over the internet - Erel    Jan 28, 2014   (33 reactions)   tags: file, transfer, myapp, B4a This example shows how to make your B4J server application accessible over the internet. The implemented server is a simple file server that allows you to upload files from your B4A application to the server over the internet. The following steps are required in order to make your server... service named DuckDNS. You should register with them and choose a unique domain for your server... debug it, run the server and call the test handler. Start with calling it from the computer browser... B4J Tutorial [Server] Online Json Tree Example - Erel    Jul 6, 2023   (4 reactions) This example is a port of the following desktop example: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/jsontree-tool-to-help-with-json-parsing-b4a-b4j.35963/ http://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/SS-2014-03-20_11.43.42.png You can try it online: https://b4x.com:51041/json/index.html The server parses the JSON string and returns the tree representation and also the B4A / B4J code you need in order to parse it. The code is similar to the desktop solution code. The main difference... B4J Tutorial [BANano+jSERVER=BANanoServer] Going full circle - alwaysbusy    Oct 27, 2023   (28 reactions) INTRODUCTION B4J has an excellent jetty based server: the jServer library. BANanoServer uses... the BANanoServer Library as it did before in case you want to use another backend like PHP, but only having... at the code of BANanoServer, ABM users will recognize the powerful Caching system, Root and http2... the server are added. (to call methods from each other and to exchange files). EDIT: in te zip with the library is a Template.bjl file to use in a BANanoServer object. Note that a B4J jServer... B4J Tutorial [WebApp] Chatroom - Threads, Sessions and Server events - Erel    Oct 19, 2017   (9 reactions) . Server events One of the great features of WebSockets is the simple support for server events. Unlike ajax based solutions, the clients don't need to poll the server with endless requests. At any given time the server can send messages to the client. There is one extra step with server... B4J Tutorial [Server] Performance measures - Erel    Feb 5, 2014   (11 reactions)   tags: Erel B4J server library is based on an open source project named Jetty. Jetty server performance is excellent which means that B4J server performance is also excellent. The following numbers are the result of a simple test where one program sends many requests to the server program. Both running on the same computer. The actual numbers are not very important and should not be taken too seriously. The main point is that a B4J server can easily handle huge traffic. The numbers were measured in... B4J Tutorial [Server] Login System & Filters Tutorial - Erel    Jan 14, 2016   (15 reactions) is done with Server.AddFilter. In our example we want to apply the filter to all files and handlers under.... Remember that user sessions are stored in the server memory. This means that they are safe to use... to register again) if the server is restarted. Passwords When a user registers we need to save... update it on the server without overwriting the server settings file. I'm using Wamp to test it locally with MySQL database. - Use #MergeLibraries: False. This way you can update the server jar... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |