B4i Library iAmir_Calendar - alimanam3386    Dec 07, 2018   (7 reactions) iAmir_Calendar Easy way to Convert date into each other with iAmir_Calendar. Locales and Calendars Most locales use the most widely used civil calendar, called the Gregorian calendar(gregorian), but there remain exceptions to this trend. For example: In Saudi Arabia, some locales use primarily t B4i Library Firebase February 2021 - local Mac - Erel    May 14, 2023   (7 reactions) Obsolete. Replaced with: https://www.b4x.-admob-v3-00.144798/#content B4i Library Subscribe to B4i libraries updates - CaptKronos (first post)    May 08, 2021   (3 reactions) iQBImagePicker
Update 1.10
Added Russian language localisation
Updated usage instructions to include how to activate non-English localisations. B4i Library iQBImagePicker - Multiple selection image picker - CaptKronos (first post)    May 08, 2021   (1 reaction) Red30: I have updated the opening post with a framework that includes your Russian translations. I have also updated the instructions which explains how to get the localisations working. B4i Library iComboBox - Easy way to put combo in your B4i apps - tucano2000 (first post)    Mar 30, 2015 I am testing on local Builder and B4i IDE return this error when compiling... Is not possible to find file c:\program files... \zone.identifier 33187 B4i Library iSpriteKit- 2D game engine - ilan (first post)    Nov 01, 2024 hi, i lost the iSpriteKit library files for the local builder. the link isnot working anymore. does anyone have the library files? thanx B4i Library iCropView - The Best option for Crop Images (Square, Circular, Retangular) - Alberto Iglesias (first post)    Jun 04, 2020 MyPaypal: alberto@vnsoft.es Keep in your mind this library is for B4i and you have to put on your mac local builder to compile ok? Test before with the version on the first post. Thanks B4i Library Photo Browser Library - Haris Hafeez (first post)    Jun 26, 2015 I have updated the library so it now works well with local image assets. Note that you will have to pass in Bitmap objects if you want to show local images. The updated library files can be downloaded here. Using local files: Sub ShowImage Dim l As List: l.Initialize Dim b As Bitmap = Load B4i Library iSVG (Scalable Vectors Graphics) - Erel (first post)    Sep 03, 2017 Are you using a local builder? Have you downloaded the Mac files? B4i Library Gif View - Albi (first post)    Jun 14, 2015 This is very cool! Is there also a way to use local files instead of urls? I tried iv = hh.GetAnimatedGifView(file.Combine(file.DirAssets, "giftest.gif")) but that didn't work... Page: 1   2   3   4   Powered by ColBERT |