B4J Library [B4X][class] RecordSet: A class that extends the functionality of lists of same length arrays - William Lancee    Aug 25, 2021   (7 reactions) I have included copious comments. Feedback is always welcome.
118266 B4J Library [B4X] dgSwitches - a class to manage a group of switches/bits - udg    Apr 28, 2023   (9 reactions) We can read current state of the switches (bits) using numeric values or strings.
When working with group of switches, we divide them in "banks" (yes, like the DIP switches on electronic boards). Depending on the type of the numeric variable we want to use, we can have from 1 bank (64bits as a LONG B4A Class [B4X] dgSwitches - a class to manage group of switches/bits - udg    Apr 28, 2023   (3 reactions) Hi all, since I don't like cross-posting, please refer to this thread for explanations. Attached is the current version of the class itself. udg B4A Library [B4X] KVS - KeyValueStore library - Erel (first post)    Sep 19, 2021   (1 reaction) Convert it to a List where each item is an array of objects.
For further discussion please start a new thread. B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib] HintOverlay - display hints that also highlight target views - Segga (first post)    Apr 26, 2022 ...as in moving on to the next hint (or closing if its the last one) automatically if the user doesn't tap the screen within a certain amount of time? B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] SD XUIView2 - Star-Dust (first post)    Apr 25, 2021   (8 reactions) I'll be adding a new view to the library soon. A ListView that divides items into multiple columns of a predetermined width by design or code. Also the possibility to change the background of a single element of the list. It is always a ListView because it scrolls only vertically, but more elements B4J Library [B4X] lmB4XComboBox - LucaMs    Jan 16, 2023   (31 reactions) lmB4XComboBox is a b4x library (https://www.b4x./#content).
It works with B4A, B4J and B4i.
It is a modified version of the Erel's original B4XComboBox and allows you to store in it a value for each text item.
Not rarely (mainly handling DB data) you need a ComboBox in which an Item is made of a di B4A Library [B4X] BCToast - Cross platform custom toast message - Erel (first post)    Aug 20, 2020   (1 reaction) Any library or code or tutorial with in the title is cross platform, which means that it is compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J. B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS Clock - Analog Clock or Digital - Alexander Stolte (first post)    Jan 11, 2022 You can try it :D B4A Library [B4X] B4XCollections - More collections - Erel    Mar 08, 2022   (37 reactions) B4XCollections is a b4x lib. It adds several cross platform collections. It includes a static module named B4XCollections which should be used to create new instances of the collections. You can either create new empty collections or pass the initial data. B4XSet - A set is a collection of unique i Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |