B4A Library [B4X] BLE 2 - Bluetooth Low Energy - Erel    Jan 4, 2023   (28 reactions)   tags: Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, BLE with RuntimePermissions.
Otherwise scanning will fail with a message visible in the unfiltered logs.
BLE2...This library replaces the previous BLE library.
It is simpler to use and it is more powerful. Its... B4A Library BLE2PeripheralEnhanced2 - BLE2Peripheral with multiple services - djalltra (first post)    Dec 9, 2024 ok thanks but i'm having issue with the reading and writing using ble2 as regards to reading and writing asynchronously when i usually write the reading freezes... B4R Library rCurieBLE - Arduino 101 BLE - tigleth (first post)    Jan 19, 2017 Hello, used the ble2 library and example and now time comes thru on my motoe2; thank you for this.
Kim... B4A Class [IoT] BeaconParser - Discover iBeacons and Eddystone beacons - Erel (first post)    Apr 13, 2016 I've updated the code in the first post. Make sure to update to BLE2 v1.20. It will solve this issue.... B4R Library rLegoinoBoost - rwblinn (first post)    Oct 27, 2021   (6 reactions) FYI Based on the rLegoinoBoost library, developed a B4A Class to direct control, without the ESP32 B4R Bridge, the BoostRCCar via a B4A App using the BLE2 library. The B4A B4XPages app writes, after connecting, data direct to the hub via the BLEManager2 and handled hub response in the manager data available event. The data sent are byte arrays as defined by the LEGO BLE Wireless Protocol. The UI uses the xGauges B4XLib (Thanks to the author), the B4XPreferencesDialog (Preferences Hub MAC... B4A Library BleExtended - bioident (first post)    Mar 11, 2015 Hi,
I try use BLE_Term_2 but I get errors.
Why ? What is wrong .
Installing file.
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
PackageAdded: package:BLE2...
null, D6:FC:13:0F:37:8D
null, CC:9F:4F:E4:2F:45
** Activity (main) Pause... B4J Library [B4X] jRDC2 - B4J implementation of RDC (Remote Database Connector) - Erel    Mar 13, 2024   (41 reactions)   tags: RDC, jRDC2, conectate a un servidor, Remote Connector, DB Remote, Myapp database servers. jRDC2 is the latest version. All new projects should use this version. jRDC2... is compatible with B4A, B4J and B4i is responsible for sending the requests and handling the responses. jRDC2... to the additional libraries folder. 2. Add a reference to this jar with: #AdditionalJar: mysql... name of the server hosting jRDC2. It must end with /rdc. 2. Add DBRequestManager class to your project. It depends on RandomAccessFile and OkHttpUtils2 libraries (or the matching libraries in B4J or... B4A Class [class][B4X] Google OAuth2 - Erel    Mar 19, 2024   (43 reactions)   tags: wait, Google GoogleOAuth2 class is compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J (new). It is no longer possible to use WebView to implement Google's OAuth2 authentication. The solution is to open the default browser and.... GoogleOAuth2 class takes care of several tasks: 1. Opening the browser and getting the authorization code. 2. Getting and saving the access token and refresh token from the authorization code. 3...: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2InstalledApp Setup 1. Go to Google developer... B4i Library BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) library - Erel    May 6, 2021   (3 reactions) the description as needed. B4XPages example: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-ble-2-bluetooth-low...B4i BLE library is now available. This library allows you to connect and read data from BLE... (assuming that the state is STATE_POWERED_ON). 2. Connect to a device. 3. Read data from the device... is raised when you initialize BleManager and when the BLE adapter state changes. Only if the state..., AdvertisingData As Map, RSSI As Double) - Raised when a new device is discovered (after you call BleManager... B4A Library Customise your BLE GATT Service with BLE Peripheral 2 Enhanced - Peter Simpson    Feb 10, 2024   (24 reactions) touch Java, I only started learning java so that I could enhance Erel's current BlePeripheral2... BlePeripheral2Enhanced library.
Using this library, you can create your own custom BLE GATT Service or emulate... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |