B4A Library [class] ContactsUtils - Provides read / write access to the stored contacts - Erel    Aug 26, 2016   (13 reactions) ContactsUtils is a class based on ContentResolver library.
ContactsUtils allows you to read all kinds of information from the device stored contacts and also to modify the information, add new... B4i Library iContacts + ContactsUtils - Read and write to the contacts store - Erel    Nov 9, 2016   (8 reactions) ContactsUtils is a class that together with iContacts library, provide read and write access to the device contacts store.
Note that it is based on the new Contacts framework introduced in iOS 9. So... B4A Library ContactsUtils v2.00 : redesigned, recoded and enhanced new version - Alain75    Jun 4, 2023   (16 reactions) Hi everybody,
I worked a lot on ContactsUtils library (from @walt61) since my last post... a contact or group.
CustomFilter enables to set a particular selection which will be added to selection... B4A Library [Class] Input Type Constants - stevel05    Dec 7, 2013   (5 reactions) This class contains constants for all of the available inputtypes as defined on Android Developers... with an EditText as many of the Constants need to be OR'd to work.
There are some examples in... B4A Library AndroidProviders (Calendars, Contacts, Calls Log, Telephony, SMS, MMS and more - DonManfred    Mar 14, 2016   (22 reactions)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Contacts As Cursor
Initialize... B4A Library [B4X] [class] MJPEG decoder - Erel    Jul 9, 2018   (14 reactions)   tags: B4X CLASS MJPEG Decoder, Video, Erel The attached class is an implementation of a MJPEG over Http decoder. The data is a mix of strings and raw bytes. It is tempting to convert the bytes to a string. However raw bytes do not represent a valid string so you can lose important information during the conversion (which will also slow down the program). Edit: For new projects it is recommended to use BytesBuilder. The following sub is used to search for strings or bytes in the raw bytes directly: Private Sub IndexOfString... B4A Library [Lib] Contacts (OPEN SOURCE) - Serjoscha Bald    Aug 26, 2016   (10 reactions) Hi everyone,
here is my first library "Contacts", written in the great B4A editor.
It's a redesign and enhancement of the great "ContactUtils" class from Erel.
What... B4A Library Barcode reader based on Google Play Services Vision - Erel    Jul 18, 2024   (20 reactions)   tags: Barcode, B4A Barcode reader GOOD /google/android/gms/vision/barcode/Barcode#constant-summary The implementation is quite simplistic... B4A Class [B4X] PDF Generator - B4X Cross Platform - Class 100% B4X Code - spsp    Jan 3, 2024   (53 reactions) Hi, This class cPDF.bas (version 0.6 - 2024-01-03) generate PDF File with limited fonctionnalities (but enough for me) Add pages with different paper size (use constants or custom size) PDF standards font (Courier, Helvetica, Times, Symbol and Zapfdingbats), style (Normal, Bold, Italic, Underline and StrikeThrough), encoding cp1252 draw text : single line of text at position x, y draw text flow with explicit and automatic CR at current x,y position with alignment (left, center, right, justify... B4i Library [class] Contacts Library - narek adonts    Mar 27, 2015   (3 reactions) Hi, Please see attached a wrapper for ABAddressBook to access iOS contacts. I will create a tutorial a bit later but it is very easy. Please see the attached project. You can access contacts and also create a new contact. There is a little bug when authorizing first time, the app is not continuing after first authorization. Please let me know your thoughts Narek... Page: 1   2   3   |