B4A Class [B4X] [XUI] AS MsgBox/Dialog - Alexander Stolte    Feb 24, 2024   (38 reactions) lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String Base type must be Object getBase As B4XView gets the base getBottomColor As Int getBottomTop As Int gets the Bottom of the header getButton1 As B4XView Gets the Action Button1 to modify the visual part getButton2 As B4XView Gets the Action Button2 to modify B4A Library MSMaterialMenu - Animating icons - Haris Hafeez (first post)    Jun 16, 2015 Thanks. But my question was how to use MSIconicDrawable to get a bitmap? This is in reference to using Icon Fonts instead of directly loading a bitmap(image).
EDIT: I believe the initial link took me to material design icons page on git hub. Thanks for updating the link. B4A Library 2046 MaterialIcons in the Color you need - joneden (first post)    Nov 20, 2015   (1 reaction) Does this generate the icon set on the fly or is it pre specified? Only there has just been a new set loaded and it would be nice to use something that is always upto date. I already use MSIconicDrawable but just dropping a new ttf file into the folder doesn't open up the new icons for use :( Hop B4A Library DesignSupport - Additional Material Design components - Anser (first post)    Mar 03, 2017   (1 reaction) Thank you, both the solutions are working.
May I ask you for one more help. How do I change the color of the Icon ?. The code doesn't have any effect on the color of the icon
'Here I have the option to change the color of the icon
Dim IconHome As MSIconicDrawable : IconHome.Initialize("gmd_home") B4A Library Floating Action Button - Anser (first post)    Jul 19, 2016 For example:
End Sub
Sub FabSetup
Dim p1 As MSIconicDrawable : p1.Initialize("gmd_menu") : p1.Color = 0xffffffff : p1.sizeDp(20)
FabMenu.Icon = p1.Drawable
FabMenu.Color = Colors.RGB(2,124,213)
FabMenu.ColorPressed = Colors.RGB(219,6 B4A Library ParsParticlesDrawable(ParticlesDrawable) - mshafiee110    Nov 26, 2019   (15 reactions) Hi ,it wraps this Github project.
Android Particles View.
Min API level 9.
I added to it touch event...
Q7qvmCMUN20 B4A Library [B4A] [XUI] BMPopUp v1.2 - Brian Michael (first post)    Mar 24, 2023   (5 reactions) CreateNew(Typeface.FONTAWESOME,Typeface.STYLE_BOLD)
CustomIcon.TextSize = 16
Dim CustomIconBorder As ColorDrawable
CustomIconBorder.initialize2(Colors.RGB(81, 220, 107),100dip,2dip,Colors.ARGB(255,229, 248, 228))
CustomIcon.background = CustomIconBorder
Dim CustomLabel As La B4A Library [Class] Flexible Table - joneden (first post)    Oct 15, 2015 Hi All,
This looks like a great class. I need to enhance it to do two things. Firstly I need to be able to have a column display an image based off some calculation on a cell. I was hoping to supply a function reference that is called to generate specify the image on a per row basis. Then eithe B4A Library [B4X] SD CustomKeyboard - Star-Dust    Mar 26, 2024   (42 reactions) log release
Added AddRowDouble method: allows you to enter the value in uppercase and lowercase for each key, for keys with special characters you can establish the character that will show in normal and with the shift
Added ClearKeyboard method to clear the keyboard with all the associat B4A Library [B4X][XUI] WobbleMenu - a cross platform animated bottom navigation - Biswajit    Jan 25, 2021   (61 reactions) SetIconAppearStyle(Icon_Appear_Style As Int)
Set icon revealing animation type. Check properties
SetTabTextIcon(TabID As Int, Text As String, Icon As String, IconFont As Typeface)
Set the tab text and icons (TabID must be between 1 to 5)
SetTabTextIcon2(TabID As Int, Text As String, Icon As Bitmap, Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |