B4J Library [BANanoConnect] BANanoSQL+SQLite+MySQL+MSSQL Library - Mashiane    May 23, 2020   (9 reactions) , MSSQL and MySQL. The purpose of this lib is for a one place for all your connectivity with these backends.
This library as a couple of class utilities for connecting to BANAnoSQL, SQLite, MSSQL and... B4J Library [BANanoMSSQL] PDO CRUD Class for MSSQL - Mashiane    May 23, 2020   (1 reaction) php settings
BANano.PHP_NAME = "mssql.php"
BANano.PHPHost = $"http... B4A Library MSSQL with JDBC Library v1.00 - hasanaydin52    Nov 1, 2012   (10 reactions)   tags: MSSQL As MSSQL
Dim L As List
db = setDatabase("Server IPNUMBER (not name)"...
You can also write create, update or delete queries.
You must copy MSSQL.jar, MSSQL... B4J Library [B4X] [B4XLib] SD_SQL (direct access to MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL, FireBird) - Star-Dust    Apr 5, 2023   (29 reactions) directly to MySql, MsSql (for the moment) databases with B4A and B4J. To be clear, you don't need JRDC... <code> #AdditionalJar: mysql-connector-java-5.1.47-bin.jar</code>
MSSQL Driver <code>... B4J Library Modded jRDC2 w/SQLite support and more - OliverA    Jul 28, 2024   (15 reactions) AppNotes) ' Merge changes from @Erel's jRDC2 version 2.23 ' Merged MSSQL date issue... B4A Library AES Encrypt/Decrypt (Encryption/Decryption) B4A and B4J library - Peter Simpson    Sep 22, 2020   (32 reactions)   tags: Aes into and decrypt data out of my clients MySQL or MSSQL databases. For many years I've been... B4J Library [BANanoVueMaterial]: The first complete opensource VueJS UX based framework for BANano - Mashiane    Feb 2, 2021   (18 reactions) Expense Tracker with SQLite as BackEnd Full Implementation
3. Expenses Tracker with MSSQL (you need to understand all of 1. & 2. above first!)
Mock.Compile.Publish Expense Tracker with MSSQL... B4J Library BANanoSQLiteR - Distributing and accessing an existing SQLite Databases - Part 2 - alwaysbusy (first post)    May 23, 2020 Ok, clear! But I think you may have missed the link in de MSSql one, which I read just before...-pdo-crud-class-for-mssql.110015/#content... B4J Library SQL: Simplyfying Calling Stored Procedures - iCAB (first post)    Aug 16, 2018 What JDBC driver are you using? The sample uses mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre8.jar if you are not using...
you are using crashes when using this driver.
I am using the same one
#AdditionalJar: mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre8... B4A Library JdbcSQL - Directly connect to remote databases - catyinwong (first post)    Jul 22, 2018 Not quite understand what changes should be made if I want to connect to a MSSQL
#AdditionalJar..." <- what to change??
Private jdbcUrl As String = "jdbc:mssql://"... Page: 1   2   3   |