B4A Library AppCompat - Make Material Design apps compatible with older Android versions - corwin42    Aug 18, 2019   (69 reactions)   tags: B4A UI, Material Design, Appcompat, menu This library is a wrapper for the Google AppCompat v7 support library.
B4A V6.0 or newer... devices.
Setting up the library
Note: Please, Please read these instructions carefully. AppCompat depends... B4A Library BiometricManager - Biometric Authentication - Erel    Nov 22, 2022   (40 reactions)   tags: Finger, finger print the incorrect warning about AppCompat not being used. #IgnoreWarnings: 32 3. Add to the manifest..., theme.xml, <resources> <style name="MyAppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat... B4A Library [B4X] B4XDrawer - sliding drawer - Erel    Dec 8, 2020   (65 reactions)   tags: B4ADrawer sliding drawer, SlidingPanels, Sliding Menu, B4X, sliding drawer, B4A Class Sliding Drawer As Int) Drawer.Resize(Width, Height) End Sub The attached example is based on AppCompat. However... B4A Library DesignSupport - Additional Material Design components - corwin42    Nov 5, 2018   (65 reactions)   tags: B4A Theme, design support library, UI screen, Material Design, DesignSupport an older B4A version use the V2.31 library. AppCompat 3.30 or above is required. The examples need... these instructions carefully. AppCompat depends on many things like a special theme with special features. Even... AppCompat. So please follow these instructions carefully and all should work as expected and you don't have to ask in the forum. Thanks. This library depends on the AppCompat library. So do all the setup needed for AppCompat. Copy the DesignSupport.xml, DesignSupport.jar and DesignSupport.aar files... Page: 1   |