B4A Library QR Code Library - Johan Schoeman    May 02, 2016   (15 reactions) 35704 This library will create QR Codes (version 1 to 40), Aztec Codes (layer 1 to 11), PDF417, 2 of 5 Interleaved, EAN-13, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Code 93, Code 11. Library files (*.xml and *.jar) inside the /Files folder. Copy them to your default library folder. It will create *.PNG files tha B4A Library Johan's Overview - Johan Schoeman    Aug 05, 2017   (97 reactions) B4A code for creating QR Codes (version 1 to 40), Aztec Codes (layer 1 to 11), PDF417, 2 of 5 Interleaved, EAN-13, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Code 93 and Code 11 - no internet connection required
51. Barcode Scanner - 100% embedded within B4A
57. QRCodeReaderView - QR Code Scanner that is also 100% e B4A Library QREader - Scan 1D and 2D barcodes (QR Code, PDF 417, Aztec, etc) - Johan Schoeman    Jan 27, 2018   (12 reactions) This is a wrapper for this Github project. It is similar to @DonManfred 's posting here in the sense that it also makes use of the Google Mobile Vision API. @DonManfred 's version is however far more advanced. For me this was a learning exercise and I will therefore try and explain in detail how you B4A Library CovidPass - the reader - drgottjr (first post)    Nov 11, 2021 attached please find an add-on for your app. it replaces the simple parsing snippet. it's now a class module which also includes decoding the french sanipass (different from the eu's green pass). i'm still working on some of the fields. the french sanipass comes in 2 forms: a qr code and a data B4A Library MaterialBarcodeScanner (Uses Google Mobile Vision API) - DonManfred    Apr 17, 2016   (22 reactions) This is a wrap for this github project.
Easy to use barcode reader for your Android Project (Uses Google Mobile Vision API)
Integrate in a few minutes
Quick and simple api
No external apps required
Uses Google Mobile Vision API (fast scanning, local)
Automatically parses QR Codes, Data Matrix, PDF B4A Library Android Vision Barcode Scanner (Scan QR Codes and other 1D & 2D barcodes) - Johan Schoeman    May 02, 2016   (11 reactions) End Sub
Sub scanner_scan_result(data As String, format As Int)
Dim fmt As String = ""
Select format
Case 0
Case 1
fmt = "CODE_128"
Case 2
fmt = " CODE_39"
Case 4
fmt = "CODE_93"
Cas B4A Library ZXingLib by icefairy333 - modified by Johan Schoeman (Scan QR Codes and other 1D/2D Barcodes) - Johan Schoeman (first post)    Jul 08, 2015   (1 reaction) 31160
This update adds back the ability to scan Aztec codes too (see attached pic) - it was missing from the original Icefaire333 java source code.
Just posting the zipped library files (jar and xml). Use them with the project posted in post #24 above (i.e replace your current jar and xml files wi B4A Library Barcode Scanner - 100% embedded within B4A (15 Feb 2016 : New library files in Post #105) - Johan Schoeman (first post)    Nov 17, 2015   (1 reaction) Douglas, if anything it must be underlying to the Github project that I have wrapped. I am running it on a Samsung S4 mini and it scans like a dream. No delay whatsoever. I have noticed it to be a bit lazy when scanning PDF417 and Aztec codes but I have had very very fast response for QR Codes and a B4A Library [Lib] UltimateListView - Informatix (first post)    Jul 04, 2018   (4 reactions) GetInt("Exotic") = 0 Then
Return "native"
Return "exotic"
End If
Else If oField = ofQty Then
'Retrieves the quantity from the database
Return dbCursor.GetInt("Quantity")
End If
End If
Return Null
End S B4A Library android-quick-response-code - another 1D & 2D barcode scanner - Johan Schoeman (first post)    Jun 05, 2016   (5 reactions) Posting an update - have added some code to the wrapper and the original project: 1. Set the laser color 2. Set the mask color 3. set the status text, text size, and text color 4. set the "possible result points" color and size 5. set the view finder frame color 6. choose between front and back came Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |