B4J Library [B4X] [B4XLib] SD_SQL (direct access to MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL, FireBird) - Star-Dust    Apr 05, 2023   (27 reactions) Based on @Peter Simpson's code (here), I developed a library that allows you to connect directly to MySql, MsSql (for the moment) databases with B4A and B4J. To be clear, you don't need JRDC to connect to the database located on a server
(I am working on a version for b4i, but it is only obtainabl B4A Library ✨ Magic API Library: Transform Your MySQL Database into a REST API in Just 5 Minutes! ? - fernando1987    Jan 27, 2025   (13 reactions) ?Usage Instructions:
1. Upload the api.php file to your server.
2. Edit the header with your connection data.
3. You're ready to communicate your app with your mobile and desktop applications.
Note: The API works fine without the library, but the library will help you communicate more easily.
? E B4J Library MysqlConn : Mysql connection library - Justcooldev    May 12, 2023   (6 reactions) GetBlob is not supported for now... I'm currently working on it. I'm attaching the project for B4J & B4A And The source code too. I don't know if it is compatible with B4I. IMPORTANT : This library is BETA, it seems sometimes, you will find some bugs, if you find one, please report it and start a B4A Library Yet Another MySQL Library But With Stored Procedure Support and Cursors - keirS    Mar 15, 2015   (5 reactions) 'Run the procedure
'proctest is the sub for general error capture reporting
Finally run the procedure. A general sub stub is used for error reporting. In this case "proctest_error".
Result sets are returned as memory backed Android cursors B4J Library SQL: Simplyfying Calling Stored Procedures - keirS    Aug 16, 2018   (14 reactions) Updated 2018-08-16. Please note there are breaking changes to the new version of the library (SQLCallPRoc Version 1-10.zip) so it will work correctly with the Microsoft JDBC Driver. The sample for MYSQL has changed and there is a new sample for MS SQL Server. See post #5 for why the change was neces B4A Library JdbcSQL - Directly connect to remote databases - Erel    Sep 17, 2017   (35 reactions) MySQL connector: https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-5.1.34.tar.gz
MS SQL: http://jtds.sourceforge.net/
As we are connecting to a remote database, all requests must be asynchronous. It is quite simple to make asynchronous requests with the resumable subs feature: S B4A Class mysql_php class - easy way to connect webservice (security https & gzcompress) - DonManfred (first post)    Jul 09, 2017   (1 reaction) this extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0,
Additionally you are suppressing any error. B4A Library B4A Welcomes SSE - drgottjr    Dec 04, 2022   (13 reactions) so, there's something called server side events (SSE). it apparently has something to do with notifications from a web server to a browser. i'm guessing it's what happens when you see an annoying pop-up message from a web server asking persmission to send you notifications. good luck with that; B4J Library CreateHTMLPage easy logging of data - stevel05 (first post)    May 05, 2023   (2 reactions) I created this report in very quick time this afternoon from my family history mySQL database. Mostly because I didn't have to create a layout, and could actually visualize the data while working on it. 824151648 B4J Library [BANanoMySQL] An inline PHP class for your MySQLI CRUD functionality - Mashiane    Dec 17, 2019   (7 reactions) This means that I will not be dwelling much on the UX here but just the functionality for CRUD for inline php. I am using my own developed UOENow library for this and will make the 'free' components version available soon. The professional version of Creative Tim's Now UI Kit Pro is not distributabl Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |