B4A Library New Net library - Android FTP, SMTP and POP3 - Erel    Feb 14, 2021   (21 reactions) The Net library supports FTP, SMTP and POP3 protocols. This library replaces the FTP library. Both regular connections and SSL connections are supported.
SMTP - Allows to directly connect to SMTP mail servers and send mails, including Html messages and attachments.
POP3 - Allows to directly connect B4A Library [B4X] .Net Framework implementation of B4XSerializator - Erel    Mar 20, 2020   (24 reactions) B4XSerializator is included in the internal RandomAccessFile library. The attached dll is for .Net Framework applications.
B4XSerializator is a great tool that makes it simple to share data between B4A, B4i and B4J. It takes care of converting objects, including complex objects, to bytes and vice ve B4J Library [B4X]A cross-platform B4XPages class to display a network of nodes connected by arrows. - William Lancee    Sep 21, 2022   (28 reactions) 'WiLNetChart' features:
A. There are three different ways of specifying the net chart.
1. Using the internal designer plus extensions to define nodes and connections.
2. Specifying only connections and letting the algorithm define the nodes (works if all nodes have one parent)
3. A B4A Library xSQLCipher for Android Sqlcipher 4.5.4 - tummosoft (first post)    Mar 02, 2024 Yes, the library has namespace is net.zetetic.database.
Many users are experiencing issues with this library. Unfortunately, no readily available solution seems to exist. I've even attempted the author's recommended approach involving the relinker library, but the problem persists. B4A Library SD: BindingNavigator (Sqlite GUI Navigator) - Star-Dust    Nov 20, 2021   (13 reactions) This is a first version of the BindingNavigator Library, which wants to somehow reproduce the corresponding BindingNavigator of VB.NET. What is needed? I want to get something similar to the tools available on VB.NET to link the views to the DB. As in the pictures. 6588465885 A DataSet Class is av B4A Library AES Encrypt/Decrypt (Encryption/Decryption) B4A and B4J library - Peter Simpson (first post)    Jun 04, 2024   (2 reactions) I've send you a PM with my .Net DLL file and example of it being used in VB.Net. B4A Library Automated FTP Library - DonManfred (first post)    Jun 06, 2017   (2 reactions) Net library Tool B4XEncryption .net DLL class library - Chris Lee    Feb 25, 2018   (12 reactions) With a little help from Erel I build a .net DLL for this purpose.
A Visual Studio 2017 project with the DLL code and a test console application can be found on github at the following URL:
If you want to use the DLL without compiling it first, just c B4A Library [B4X] B4XEncryption - Chris Lee (first post)    Feb 25, 2018   (3 reactions) I've just created a .net DLL that lets you use B4XEncryption data in the .net environment, see: https://www.b4x.-net-dll-class-library.89972/ B4A Library Android Wifi Hotspot Manager - ANC-Software (first post)    Apr 03, 2022   (1 reaction) I found the answer to my question: starting from Android 10 the "/proc/net/arp" is not more accessible. Also found that using "ip neigh show" as a workaround it not working on Android 11 :confused: Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |