B4A Library WebViewExtras - drgottjr (first post)    Aug 22, 2020   (1 reaction) this is an xpath error. you need to correct it. it's not the fault of webviewextras, which simply facilitates your executing javascript in a webview. (note: webview is not a full browser, so its support of javascript may not be the same as that of chrome. in any case, that, too, is not webviewex B4A Class Webview Custom Error Page - Biswajit    May 11, 2020   (7 reactions) This code module will return a custom HTML design along with the actual error message instead of the default webview error page.
Import the attached code module to your project and use it like below.
Sub Globals
Private MainWebView As WebView
Private WVE As WebViewExtras
Private B4A Library [B4X] SimpleMediaManager (SMM) - framework for images, videos and more - Erel    May 13, 2024   (45 reactions) - v1.09 - Fixes issue with missing layout file.
- v1.08 - Adds support for showing images with ZoomImageView instead of B4XImageView: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-simplemediamanager-smm-framework-for-images-videos-and-more.134716/post-857972
- v1.07 - Adds a SMM_MediaReady event, th B4A Class [Moved] Webview Custom Error Page - Brandsum    May 11, 2020   (4 reactions) Moved to https://www.b4x.-custom-error-page.117639/ B4A Library Webview - Right click to save image - drgottjr (first post)    Jun 08, 2022   (1 reaction) almost anything involving webview as browser is a mistake.
i found the .jar, i'm uploading it as is. i don't even remember
what you have to do to initialize it. maybe it's in my original
post. but you can look at the code and see what all is
involved. there are comments. i don't know what you B4A Library WebkitLibrariesSet (successor to UltimateWebView) - dennmtr (first post)    Nov 15, 2023 You can't update UI from ShouldInterceptRequest2 Event (and other events). You can't directly call Subs too. The only way to call an activity sub inside this method is to call it using CallSubDelayed even is in the same (active) activity or else you have a wrong Thread error.
Except from that i alw B4A Library WebViewAssetLoader - the demo - drgottjr    Sep 09, 2021   (9 reactions) here is a demonstration of the WebViewAssetLoader class API.
questions about webview's failing to load local resources under sdk30 are starting to pop up occasionally. they are, of course, beaten down by a chorus of "don't use webview!" i'm not here to judge.
what it boils down to is google wa B4A Library FlingableWebView - warwound (first post)    Feb 14, 2016   (2 reactions) Hi.
Google's complaint was that if an SSL error occurred then the code would blindly ignore the error - creating a wide open back door into the WebView.
They want your code to instead do something in the ReceivedSslError event - look at the error and make an intelligent decision whether to proceed B4A Library UltimateWebView Custom View - Ivica Golubovic (first post)    Jan 16, 2022   (4 reactions) Version 2.1 released. Download library and documents from first post.
Added method LoadHTMLString (HTMLString As String) to UltimateWebView class.
Edited event OnUnhandledKeyEvent (KeyCode As Int, AndroidViewKeyEvent As Object) 'Works from API level 1 to API level 21. WebViewClient requir B4A Library Exoplayer 2.18.5 Streams Player - nedium (first post)    Jan 15, 2023   (1 reaction) hello, @Almora
the error is that because you must add the label
Private lblFullscreen As B4XView
in the design because it is not added Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |