B4A Library MLwifi Library Updated to v4.00 - Computersmith64    Feb 11, 2023   (22 reactions) You can connect to the previously connected network by calling disconnectWifiAP
or a specific network by calling connectWifiAP with the correct parameters.
Private Sub connectToWifi
Private wifi As MLwifi
'reconnect to a Wifi network saved on this device
wifi.reconnectWifiAP( B4A Library Simple WIFI library Updated V. 3.07 09-05-2018 - bgsoft    Sep 05, 2018   (44 reactions) Pass True to Enable WIFI or False to Disable
isWifiEnabled As Boolean
Returns whether WIFI is Enabled (true) or Disabled (false)
WifiMACAddress As String
Returns the MAC Address of the WIFI interface or empty string
WifiIpAddress As String
Returns the IP Address of the WIFI interface or B4A Library Simple WIFI library - HotShoe    Dec 17, 2016   (32 reactions) Example
dim wifi as MLwifi
IpAddress As String
Get IP address from the wifi interface)
Returns address or empty string
MACAddress As String
Returns MAC address of the current interface
Returns MAC address or empty string
SSID As String
Returns the current SSID
WifiSignal As B4A Library ECS/POS printer WIFI print library - hears    Dec 12, 2017   (10 reactions) THIS libary can print string ,and picture ,
same to USB print libary,only can use for ECS/POS printer,
the other printer i guess can use
.SendDataByte() function send different data format by byte.i didn't try it.
i have try this demo can make a sleep HP printer wake up,but didn't print.
https: B4A Library WifiDirect Library - Erel    Jul 07, 2015   (17 reactions) Tutorial: http://www.b4x.com/forum/basic4android-getting-started-tutorials/30409-android-wifi-direct-tutorial.html#post176526 V1.05 is attached. New Connect2 method that allows setting the group owner. Note that there is no guarantee that the system will set the owner as requested. B4R Library esp8266 OTA updater - hatzisn (first post)    Aug 19, 2021   (1 reaction) All I did was open the Arduino Example and see how it works. It just needed to declare a WiFiClient object and pass this as first argument in the appropriate function in the voids that @Siam has created. B4R Library WebSocketClient - Erel (first post)    May 22, 2019   (1 reaction) I haven't tested it, however if you are using ESP8266 then you can pass a WiFiSSLSocket. Try it. B4A Library Creat Wifi Profiles - blouchris    Aug 07, 2015   (2 reactions) Hi, I have derived a Library from VBwep to create WEP and WPA2 wireless profiles. B4A Class Bluetooth ESC/POS Printer Class - sfsameer (first post)    Jan 23, 2021 We have a modified SDK that prints to WIFI + Bluetooth + USB (English, Arabic or any language you send to the printer) in the project below : https://www.b4x.-app-source-code-for-sale.126032/ B4R Library ESP8266extras Library - Starchild (first post)    Mar 26, 2020 Yes. The WIFI_MODE_AP and WIFI_MODE_STA constants declared in the rESP8266extras library were swapped by mistake. This wouldn't have caused any problems calling the declared functions in ESP826extras, but they did not match those returned by Wifi.getMode();
I have updated the library in the top pos Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |