B4A Question image printing - agraham (first post)    May 09, 2022   (2 reactions) If it is a 'standard' chinese type ESC/POS Bluetooth thermal printer this might help. The demo includes printing an image although the results can hardly be described as good on a thermal printer!
https://www.b4x.-esc-pos-printer-class.106553/ B4A Question print image on bluetooth printers - scsjc (first post)    Oct 25, 2017 Hello,
i'm testint to print image directly to bluetooth printer, i attach a b4a test, and result is:
I put a bucle to draw a all position binaries and work the draw
but when i put the same number 255 (1111111111) or any diferents dont work correctly.... B4A Question EscPosPrinter QRCode - aeric (first post)    Jun 04, 2024 I don't understand your question.
To print QRCode on bluetooth thermal printer using ESC/POS, there are 2 ways.
1. If the printer supports QRCode, then you just need the correct command.
2. Else, you need to convert and print it as image. B4A Question Bluetooth Print Release Mode - Tico.13    Nov 20, 2023 Hello, I am trying to print from my app to a Bluetooth printer. I use the serial and tscsdk library. When I run the app in "debug" mode it prints correctly, but when I run the app in "release" mode the app randomly doesnt print some data. Has anyone have a similar issue that can give me some solut B4A Question Print Image same row with multi line text - DonManfred (first post)    Sep 19, 2019   (1 reaction) i never saw any low cost bluetooth printer able doing this.
Usually you print text or an image. Both are printed in order. one after the other.
You can create a bitmap containing Text and Image as you need it and then print this Bitmap. B4A Question Not able to print image using SD BT Printer lib - Star-Dust (first post)    May 01, 2021   (1 reaction) try the example contained in this post and see if it prints the image. Use the example without changing it
https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/sd-bt-printer-bluetooth.85750/ B4A Question Drawing shape, image and text and save as image - aeric    Oct 27, 2022 I can print text and image with my Bluetooth/USB thermal receipt printer using ESC/POS commands but now I try to print the content rotated 90°. I think the printer does not support printing as landscape. What I can think of is to convert all the printing content into an image and print it as imag B4A Question Is it possible to do this with a NFC tag? - drgottjr (first post)    Mar 19, 2024   (3 reactions) it is possible to write a command to an nfc tag which (when scanned) will launch an android application.
it is possible to scan such a tag.
it is possible to write an application which causes the camera to take a picture. it isn't clear from your
post whether you want the camera to do this automa B4A Question Please Help i want to print from my Android device using a bluetooth printer - VSTorio    Jul 01, 2023 I want to print from my android device using a bluetooth printer in B4A - Print Text, Barcode and Image
Thank you very much B4A Question Image Print BT Printer - scsjc (first post)    Dec 29, 2015 Hello, i need print image to bluetooth printer, some one can help me?
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