B4A Example [B4X] PHP implementation of B4XSerializator and PhpCloudKVS Server example - Toky Olivier    Aug 21, 2019   (20 reactions) Hello, First of all, sorry for my bad english... I'll try to do my best... For my project, I ported the source of B4XSerializator of @Erel from here to php. Even if php is considered as a weakly type language (before php 7), we can manage to work fully as expected with B4J and normally B4X (not tes B4A Tutorial For beginners: How to communicate with a server using httputils2 (Part 1: php) - KMatle    Sep 04, 2018   (28 reactions) Take a look at Erels example to communicate with servers:
Take a look at this:
'Send a POST request
job2.Initialize("Job2", Me)
job2.PostString("http://www.b4x.com/print.php", "first key=first value&key2=value2")
As you can see there i B4A Example Syncing local databases using PHP to access a database on a hosted server - Cliff McKibbin    Dec 17, 2023   (12 reactions) c. Don't bother setting up tables. They can be created easily in the PHP program.
d. Set up a folder structure as you wish but you might include a sub-folder for the PHP program.
2. PHP program
a. Edit the attached TestPHP.txt program to your needs.
b. At minimum, you will need to update t B4A Tutorial [B4x]Send Firebase-Message via php - KMatle    Sep 15, 2019   (12 reactions) To get the contents of "message":
Dim mess As String = Message.GetData.Get("message")
5. Improvements
Just call the php via httputils to send a message.
Usually you have more than one device and you do't know the tokens. So you need to store the token and some other unique identifier (email addr B4A Tutorial B4x / PHP compatibility thread - KMatle    Sep 30, 2017   (12 reactions) A lot of developers like me use php as the backend component on a server to communicate with B4x apps. My intention is to create a thread with some "How to's" and best practices. Please feel free to expand it. It's not the place to post questions (please open a new thread then). The examples posted B4J Tutorial [Web] Php-Wasm - this should be interesting... - Mashiane    Jan 25, 2024 Hi Fam
Let's talk talk about web assembly, in this case Php-Wasm, where your php runs in the browser..
**reserved** B4J Tutorial SithasoDaisy TailwindCSS UI Toolkit: Q & A - Mashiane (first post)    Apr 05, 2023   (1 reaction) Yes... deleting files can be done using PHP, have not used anything else yet.
You can also find other file management functions (already built into SithadoSaidy) here
https://www.b4x.-php-file-management-for-banano.135369/ B4J Tutorial [BANano] Send Emails using PHP (Without Attachments) - Mashiane    Sep 04, 2024   (2 reactions) #if PHP
function SendEmail($from,$to,$cc,$subject,$msg) {
$msg = str_replace("|", "\r\n", $msg);
$msg = str_replace("\n.", "\n..", $msg);
// use wordwrap() if lines are longer than 70 characters
//$msg = wordwrap($msg,70,"\r\n");
//define from header
$headers = "From:" . $fro B4J Tutorial [BANano] [VuetifyAD3] Small solutions to development hitches (Tricks and tracks) - Star-Dust (first post)    Jan 19, 2022   (5 reactions) IN-LINE PHP
Some parts of the code must be executed on the server side, both because the source is not visible to a savvy user who examines the source of the page, and because some data should not be exposed to the client.
An example of this can be the verification of credentials by comparing them w B4A Tutorial [B4x] AES Encryption (lessons learned & best practice) - KMatle    Oct 04, 2018   (25 reactions) Last weekend I migrated my XAMPP test environment (Apache/PHP/MySql). It came with PHP 7.x. Yesterday I wanted to test one of my Apps using AES and Mcrypt for it in PHP but it didn't work no more. I noticed that MCrypt was deprecated anyway and even was removed due to security and other issues from Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |